I don’t want to lose my kids.
Not even for a day. Not for a moment, a minute, a second. Not at all.
But as I hear of case after case of children going missing, being taken by strangers, people the family knows, non-custodial parents, getting lost in game machines… yes, that happened – I get more and more concerned about how to protect them. I don’t want any of my kids to go missing. So if microchipping them will keep them safe and let me know where they are, I am all for it! I do… I want to microchip my kids!
Let’s think about this. We micro-chip our dogs, cats, cattle, cars, phones and so much more. We can find a cell phone in a ditch on the side of the road but a 14 year old girl who is taken by a 51 year old man to the border of Mexico – yes, that happened this week – has to rely on law enforcement, a phone call, a sighting, luck and a prayer to bring back their daughter. She did get found… but how many don’t?
I don’t see the hesitation in putting some sort of chip in my children that can not be removed, can not be seen and can not hurt them – well, if you ask the radiation people… – and allowing parents around the world to breath easier knowing that, should the horrid happen, they have a chance to save their baby with a GPS tracking device.
It is a sad statistic that most children who are abducted are killed within the first few hours of being taken. It is a sad statistic that some are never found. It is a sad sight when news cameras are hovering over crime scenes where little bodies are found. It literally hurts me to the bones when I hear about a child who was taken and tortured, raped and abused by someone for years.
Other than teaching our children not to talk to strangers, praying they are not in the wrong place at the wrong times, hoping they will come home every day.. .what else can we do?
I don’t know about you, but even after educational classes, I don’t know if I could spot a child molester that is going to one day take my daughter and never bring her back! I don’t know if I would realize she is gone in time if someone decided to take her.
But with a chip implanted in her, I could track her from my phone at any time. I could set it to send me an alarm if her pattern of behavior changes, if she takes a path that is not normal to her, if she screams bloody murder and I can’t hear her. But I can see her – even as a dot on my cell phone. What if we could program the chip to alert police if she says a certain word of danger if taken? What if we could use technology to save our children rather than update our cell phones one more time?
There are alarms on backpacks, GPS bracelets that are coming on the market, phone tracking apps that allow you to see where your child’s phone is. All are awesome but can be removed easily. A chip would stay. And if there were an attempt to remove it, we could program it to send an alarm!
I am sure some of you are reading this and thinking I am insane. Overprotective. Suffering from a head injury. But if we can go to great lengths to protect our possessions with alarms and car finder apps and key finders and such, why can’t we adhere the same value to our children?
Aren’t they the most precious resource we have? The one thing we need to protect most at all costs?
We could save so many kids. Catch so many predators who prey on them online and everywhere else. Save the heartache of a parent burying their child that was missing for days before anyone could track them down.
Wouldn’t it be worth it?
What do you think? Would you micro-chip your child?
I thought about it too, especially since I have an autistic son. What if he wandered off? He’s trusting too, so someone could just walk off with him. It might not be a bad idea.
That is how I see it
Hi, I’m not a parent, and maybe that’s why I feel this way, but I do not think that would be a good idea. I FULLY understand why you would want to, the idea of a parent losing their child is awful beyond words. But the precedent that microchipping people sets is terrifying. Imagine if, 40 years before ww2 we’d had the technology to do this. Now imagine that Hitler and the third reich had the ability to track every person in Germany, or even world, Europe or the world. Do you really think they wouldn’t have been able to match chips with birth certificates? Guess who could have played kill all the Jews even better than he did! And, that ignores the Christian Biblical aspect of the mark of the beast.
In all honesty, I don’t think the pros out weigh the possible cons. At what point can someone have the chip removed? Let’s assume 18. So, say your mom had you chipped at birth. You’re now 18 and you want it removed. But since it’s been nearly 2 decades, new laws are in place saying it can’t be removed. How passed would you be? Think you could find it and remove it yourself? Probably not if it’s designed so pedophiles can’t.
I am sorry Cody, but your an idiot!! Poor comparison. Also the likely hood of a child to be taken and killed is far more than any conspiracy theory you can conjure up about micro chipping. Is there any pro or con, that can out weigh the kidnapping and death of your child? Stupid!!! Also, it can easily be removed at an age appropriate for privacy. You have some kids, and then comment, or maybe you shouldn’t have kids.
I think both points are valid. It is a touchy subject but deserves all conversation. With child abduction up these days, we have to figure out how to find then faster. But we have to be safe about it too.
I’m a parent and I don’t think Cody is an idiot- I have four children- one grown now, one almost, as well as two grandchildren. I find this idea repugnant and wrong on a number of levels. There is a point where a parents “concern” or effort in safety has gone too far, and this is it- sorry but it is. Maybe we could just attache flashing beacons to their heads surgically so no cars ever accidentally hit them, genetically modify them so that they can breathe under water for short times so they never drown, while we’re at it lets just inset a few more chips and make them all really smart. And if this procedure were common, don’t you think child abductors would just learn to cut them out?? or disable them electronically? They can’t stay ahead of the people that steal your credit card information security wise, so why would this be any different? Nope, sorry, Cody isn’t an idiot- and I’m not either, placing electronic devices in your children so YOU CAN FEEL BETTER is wrong.
Thanks for your opinion. Though I don’t agree that anyone with an opinion is an ‘idiot’, I think that the conversation, on both sides, hold validity. We have to find a way to protect our children. This is just one idea that sparks a discussion none of us seem to be having :)