I very rarely get excited over new things anymore. Sometimes ‘new’ means recycled in a different way. So when I was approached to review NEW Shopkins toys, I was a little hesitant. What are Shopkins you ask? Now on shelves at Target, Shopkins finally offers something new that has now taken this house by storm! But not just my house, friends are sending texts telling me how much their kids love Shopkins, too!
As an introduction to these creative little toys, I was asked to spread the word to friends and family. I had a small get together at my house and then a larger one at the pool. All of the kids who attended – boys and girls – got Shopkins to take home! I took notes and have 5 Reasons I Love NEW Shopkins toys! I bet you will love them too!
They are Original
Shopkins offer play sets and small rubber ‘food’ items that are characters. They can be checked out, mixed and matched, and played and traded. The idea is that kids can shop at Shopkins Small Mart and play like they are at a grocery store with the little characters. Other play sets like the Bakery/ Fruit Stand extend the kids playtime as they use their imagination to recreate something they do with you all the time! The play sets allow kids to shop, check out, take them down the slide, use the cart to shop and bag. My kids literally opened these and went nuts! We now have a ‘designated’ area in the playroom for Shopkins and not a day has gone by yet in the last few weeks that the kids have not played with them!
Boys and Girls Can Play
This is not a gender specific toy and it is evidenced by my friend Emily who sent this text that her 9 year old son LOVES them!
Shopkins have a ton of character ‘foods’ that are perfect for boys and girls. Siblings can play together and purchase pizza, ice cream, fruits and vegetables that look like characters. In fact, all of them have their own names and if my kids and their friends had not frantically opened all of the packs sending the list into the trash, I would know them all. I do know that in the bottom of the 12 packs are ultra rare hidden Shopkins with really awesome names like Cupcake Queen and Twinkie Winks. These special characters are not revealed until you purchase the 12 pack!
They Promote Group Play
As you can imagine, three girls playing with one or two toys can be a nightmare. But I have watched carefully and am totally impressed with not only how well they play these together, but how well they play these with friends! One stacks the Shopkins on the shelves, one slides them on the slide, one checks them out on the movable check out belt – and the ‘ding’ sound the kids make is hysterical when they do, and one can use the cart that come with the Shopkins Small Mart! It is a multi child toy with a multi functional way to include them all. The little Shopkins characters are totally collectible and, if your kids are like mine, constant companions where ever they go!
They Promote Creativity
I literally did nothing but hand kid after kid Shopkins and let them go at it. I did not explain what they were, did not help with the little assembly of the play sets and did not talk about them to the kids. I simply wanted to see what the kids did with them. So many toys come into this house and are cast aside in a matter of minutes. Shopkins really has stood the test of time and the creativity I am watching while they, and their friends play with them, is awesome!
The kids took a few minutes to quickly define ‘roles’. You are the cashier, you are the bagger, you are the shopper. And then, something really cool happened. They started talking about the ‘ingredients’ and what they would need to make a meal! ‘We need strawberries and peas too ’cause they make a balanced meal.’ I love the creativity these toys encourage and the many story lines the kids can come up with!
They are Affordable
You know we all were waiting on this one. Look, I shop in stores. I know how ridiculous the price can be for a play set or a toy that my kids really, really, really want. I have walked away from many a toy shaking my head at the overpriced plastic that is on display. But Shopkins had a top price of $20 and that is for the Small Mart play set which is totally affordable in my opinion. The Bakery/ Fruit stand is only $15! The 12 pack of Shopkins is only $10. And the little single bags that should be up by checkout are even less. I don’t know about you, but I can spend the total of what it costs to get these on one house that does not have near the appeal and interest grabbing toys. Head to Target and look for Shopkins in the toy area! Check out the prices of the toys around them and you will see why I think these are totally doable, piece by piece if need be! Moose Toys has done a wonderful job of coming up with a super fun toy line that will not break our wallets!
As you can tell, I am truly and honestly impressed with these NEW little toys!
What Are Shopkins?
- They are Kids Play-sets and Toy Characters
- Based off Food items
- New Original Toy that Are Very Popular
- Created in 2014 by Moose Toys
- Come Read our Full Review!
Thank you so much for this giveaway! These toys would be right up my daughters alley :) Her name is June and she loves tiny toys that she can fit into her purse to take with in the car to play with. This is an awesome prize pack you are giving away.. Thanks!!
Thank you for the chance! I haven’t been able to find these,my girls would love these!
Could you send some to me
sike i just whant to get my sister some thing for christmas
If you could help me get some for my little sister kaylanie and she is a fan of shopkins and she is 6
Am 11 yaets old and I am a boy
Hi could you please send me some I would be so happy I only have a few and I really want to collect all the shopkins.If you do I would love if you sent me some blind baskets of season 1 and season 2 .But if you can’t find season two .I will still be happy with season 1.I just love shopkins so much but I am not obsessed with them that much.But they are fun to play with.l was so happy when I found out about shopkins because they just that looked so cute.I would also love if you sent me a 12 pack and if you can I would really love if you can send it to me in before Christmas as fast as possible but it’s still okay if you can’t please send me a message back telling me if you can.
I really want to win I will be thankful if I don’t
I really wish I had one
Wow. Why are people so blind to mindless consumerism? Really, you’re happy to raise a child that believes shopping alone will make you happy? These toys are crass and aimed at the most vapid, shallow end of the consumer spectrum and you’re all there waiting happily. However sick it all is, you have to give the marketers credit!! Goebbels would be very proud!!
I’m glad someone has got sense.
I want shopkins I have non shopkins
ooh send me some shopkins you dumb fuck!
Not too original.. Heard of moshi monsters? The main thing is collecting and trading. Slap that on something, and hope it gets popular.
i love shopkins so much
could you send me some thank you so much
if I do do it I am cry
if you don’t let me win and season 1 shopkin pack i won’t let you have a 100 dollor
My daughter just started to collect shopkins and she will be four in Oct. These are a crazy toy, but she loves her shopkins and her friends come over all they want to do is play with Shopkins. She has a really good collection going. I think her favorite shopkin is the cookie. I know for Christmas she is getting the glitz ice cream truck if I can find it for a more reasonable price then Amazon or e-bay, they are asking for over 60.00. So please if you can’t find the toy you want for x-max and over priced…look for it after and it may be on sale.
I’m your fan
My sister and my little brother just now that exist shopkins season 3 and season 1 can you please send me some season 1 and season 3 please so my brother and my sister can be so happy
Please so important and my kids will love them,thank you.
I would like you to give itto me if I win my mom dos not buy me any because they are to much money
just kidding
My girls love coming up with little stories based on the characters. Our favorite are the sweets. At our oldest’s birthday party we did a shopkins suncatcher craft, and they loved it!
Thank you for making mention that Shopkins can also be for boys. Many boys love Shopkins as they are so awesome. Some girls can be mean and get on a boy for playing with Shopkins which is not right. Even many adults play Shopkins with their kids. It is great that Moose toys addressed Shopkins for boys with the Kinstructions sets.
Moose Toys has created an amazing toy with Shopkins. Our girls have been collecting them since the first season. They still consider them to be one of their favorite toys. Shopkins are a fun toy for both boys and girls and are a joy to collect.
My 9 year old grandson likes woodzeez , he likes the little animals. He tends to get teased it is so frustrating .. he won’t ask for this at family christmas because of that ? He plays sports, etc.. he just likes little animals..
Oh my! I am wondering about Shopkins for my 5 year old granddaughter. To my knowledge, she has none. Where do I begin? Do you recommend I start with anything in particular???
What’s with the panty peeks in EVERY photo of the girls?! I must have stumbled into the dark web…