I Know I Have Too Many Kids When…
I take one with me to the store and she has a major meltdown, holding up the check out lane, and I consider it relaxing.
I feet a bubble in my belly and go into a cold sweat panic because it feels like a baby kick.
I consider my house clean if I can still masterly maneuver around toys on the floor without stepping on one.
I am out with friends and tell them that I need to go potty.
I consider a good nights sleep to be equivalent to the number of children I have. 3 kids =3 hours!
People look at me crazy. In all honesty, that may not solely be because of the kids.
And the number one reason I know I have too many kids…
I can not find one and, after 20 minutes of searching and screaming her name, have to call the neighbors in to find her… sleeping on my couch. True story. No kidding.
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Originally Published 5/25/2011
Good grief this is funny and so true.
LOL!! Isn’t it though?
Good grief this is funny and so true.
So glad I met you. Great post. I can SO relate. I’ll be back for more!
ME too!! I am glad you enjoyed it! ;)
These are great!! The couch one is my favorite:) A friend and I have started a Thursday link up and I would love it if you would check it out!
I will be right over Christina! Thank you for reading!
Omg- I have totally done the bubble in the belly panic! I think it’s a sign that I’m not going for a third. I don’t know how you do it! This post was hilarious!
Thank you Morgan!! I am glad that came across!! It IS a panic!! LOL
I’ve done this too! I have a Mirena; I’m 99.2% sure it’s not a baby, but my hindbrain cannot accept this.
LOL!! Funny how our minds play tricks on us!!
Ditto everything you just said. 3 kids = 3X the trouble.
LOL!! AMEN!! ;)
thats too funny!!
LOL -and I know you can relate! ;)
I only have one kid. But the other day I asked him if he pooped today.
Lol… Then you understand!
that’s so amazing indeed!
Oh man, that couch one reminded me of an incident with my 4 year old son! He said he was going to our backyard neighbors to play with their son. Okay, fine, I watched him walk over. A little while later, my 6 year old went over to play and comes back telling me that his brother is not there! Well, I went into a PANIC! I got my husband and his Dad together and we all started searching the neighborhood, I’m just about in tears thinking I’ve lost my little boy. Somehow, it never occurred to ANY of us to ASK THE NEIGHBORS until we’d been looking everywhere for like 15 minutes!!! And here the poor kid WAS there, but he’d went inside their house to play with their son! Boy oh boy did I feel like a dolt!!
Lol – yea, I know that feeling well! I’m so glad he was OK!!! :)