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Let’s be honest, there are some holidays during the year that pretty much bite if you are a single mom. Especially if you are a single mom who does not date for various reasons. Especially if your kids are with their dad and you don’t have them to distract and celebrate with you. Especially if your kids are your everything and you feel a little lost anytime they are gone. One of these holidays is Valentine’s Day, for obvious reasons. The other is New Year’s Eve. In the 3 years since my divorce, I have had my children for one New Year’s Eve. It was amazing! I loved it. But the other two have been hard on me. There is such a pressure to have plans, to be out with friends and to be kissed at midnight! It is somewhat depressing when you don’t have those options. This year, alone again as most of my friends are out of town with their own families, I am determined to get through the long days and short nights feeling as awesome about my life as I do when my kids are here! I know I can do it… I just need a plan!
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