A few months ago, I stumbled upon a group called the Houston Blogging Chicks. And boy and I glad I did!

I went to a meeting that was held in a central location in the city and, not only did I meet the most amazing women, but during the first meeting, I learned more about blogging than I had in 9 months of going it alone!

When I got home, I happily blogged about the blogging meeting, and promised myself I would go to the meetings again.

And then I realized that the meetings were not the only benefits offered by knowing bloggers in my same area!

I have made friends.  Real friends that want me to succeed as badly as I want them to.

Now, just 3 months later, I feel like I have a real connection to blogging with a group that I can connect with both in person and online!

And as a direct result of the amazing women in this group, I have learned valuable lessons!  From choosing affiliates carefully to making sure my Facebook page is the best that it can be! I feel I have even honed my reviews and giveaways based on their advice!  Without my local blogging friends, it would have taken me years to figure all of this stuff out!

Just tonight we had an amazing Tweet Up!

And since I still have so very much to learn and I now have connections I cherish, I want to let everyone know how wonderful it is to get involved in your local blogging chapter!

Hashtag your city on Twitter or ask other bloggers you see online or start one yourself!  But find that group!

Because it is nice to know, as I sit alone hour after hour, typing into a computer screen, that there are people here and ready to chat if I need them!