Katie started kindergarten this year and I quickly jumped in to be the home room mother! So far, we both love it! But I noticed that her teacher is responsible for paying for and creating a lot of her own crafts and educational boards for her classroom! So I decided to head to Walmart and use Elmer’s products, like a tri-fold board and glues and items and from the Memory Keeping CraftBond collection to create a useful Teacher’s Gift for her and her classroom!
The products were easy to find. The tri fold board was in with the other colors and office supplies towards the middle of my store. I grabbed my board and headed to the scrapbooking section to find the CraftBond collection. I, honestly, had never heard of these products before. I am not a scrapbooker so I don’t think I have ever even been to the section!
But I was very pleasantly surprised to find a myriad of items to make this craft easier to do! Especially with the help of children! Like Elmer’s CraftBond Glue Spots, Scrapbooking Tape and even Photo Corners! Super easy, clean, stick-able aids that keep my kids happy and the project moving forward!
I also grabbed some Elmer’s Sparkle Glue for accents and then some stickers to add some more decoration to the board! I checked out and was pleasantly surprised to see that all of the products were incredibly affordable!
I got everything home and the kids and I got to work. We cut photos from magazines, stuck stickers and had a lot of fun! And by the time we were done, we had a fun, easy project for Katie’s teacher, and a few hours of fun memory making under our belts!
So here are the basic steps we took in creating this fun craft:
1) Bought our Elmer’s materials at Walmart.
2) Cut out pictures that represented each season from magazines.
3) Used glue dots and the scrapbooking tape to adhere the photos to the board.
4) Used seasonal stickers to add decor to the board.
5) Added even more glitter and fun with Elmer’s Sparkle Glue.
6) We’ll deliver it to Katie’s teacher tomorrow.
You can see the WHOLE SHOP and CRAFT HERE!
Here is a demo from Katie on how easy it is to use the Glue Spots:
It was SO MUCH FUN! And so many other projects can be done with the same products! Science boards, mathmatic themes, spelling, letters and more! All it takes it a little imagination!
**This project has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Elmer’s and Collective Bias#gluenglitter #collectivebias #CBias. All writings and opinions are 100% mine. Please see my Disclaimer/ Privacy Policy for more information.**
What a fun project! Katie’s little video is adorable and her teacher is going to love her gift!
How cute is Katie’s demo? Hope you guys had a great time making your board-I know her teacher will love it.
Looks like a great time & a fun way to learn!
She is adorable! Great job, Katie!
Cute! I love your video demo!