Back to school has to be one of the busiest times of the year for me. Shopping for everything from school supplies to clothes for three girls takes days of planning, many store visits, and focus. On top of that, all three of my girls are going to different schools this year, so schedule management has become a real issue. I don’t have room for anything else on my plate, to be honest. As fall approaches and the calendar on the wall becomes illegible with ‘to-do’ items, I also know that red eyes and sneezing can rear its annoying head. Fall allergies always make their way onto my children’s back to school lists. As an experienced mom, I know that Children’s Allegra is a must have as I brace myself for this season. In fact, there are several things that all moms need for back to school that are not school supplies!
A Whiteboard
No, these are not the whiteboards the kids use in class. These are my lifesavers! I have one in my office to help me keep my work life on track, so why not use one to keep my kid’s school life on track?
It is by the back door and the kids have been ‘trained’ to come in and write down any major news. Math Test on Thursday, Presidential report due September 21st, and so on. By having them write down the important stuff where I can see it, we stay more on track with major assignments and news than if I just relied on a planner!
OTC Meds
I have said time and time again that children who feel well, are well rested, and who get the nutrition they need do better in school. All of us have experienced allergies at some point and they are miserable. The runny nose, itchy throat, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes are distracting and make it hard for any of us to concentrate. Get those allergy meds now along with upset tummy ITC meds too!
Alarm Clocks
This year I am trying something new. The pre-wakeup! I usually get up in the morning and work for an hour or two before I wake the kids for school. They hem and haw and complain before I can finally get them out of bed. So, I have implemented alarm clocks for the pre-wake up call!
I’ll set them about 15 minutes before they need to get up to prepare them for getting up! Maybe it will stop my having to go in to wake them 10 times in the morning!
Back to school is a busy time for any family. By being prepared for more than just school supplies, we can ease into it just a little easier than anticipated!
How do you prepare for back to school?
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