I am so flipping, butterflying, long jump doing, diving, vaulting happy that the OLYMPICS are here!!! Yes, yes!! A HUGE Olympic fan here! I love the spirit, the pomp and circumstance, the celebration of victory and even the lessons of defeat! I’ll cheer on Team USA in every sport, every category, every event and root for them, no matter how they do!
And just as Olympic Village is gearing up for maximum security, I am vamping up my knowledge on an attack online based on Olympic rhetoric.
It does happen. Those spam messages saying you won a free trip to London, the emails asking you to donate to Team USA, and even the ‘click here’ links that take you to the land where viruses roam free. No one wants to fall victim, nor do you want your kids who are innocently launching birds across the sky into wooden pylons to be exposed.
My first step in making sure I am the kind of fan I want to be by taking the Trend Micro Quiz, Race to Security! Turns out, as fanatical as I think I am, I am more of a casual observer! Which, in a way is good. I love my Olympics but I am online savvy enough to know know that scams can come attached to anything and so I am less likely to fall for online gimics on Facebook and Twitter!
But just in case, I checked out Trend Micro’s Olympic Scam Tips. I can always learn more and that makes me feel better and safer online!
First, a general rule of thumb guys. If an email has only a link in the body of the text it is spam. The same goes for Facebook messages and Twitter posts. Even if it is from someone you think you know. Most friends will tell you what it is. So just delete and report as spam. Also, ‘Free Claim’ emails – like claim your free all expense paid trip just as soon as you send us a refundable deposit – are just not valid. Again, report as spam and delete.
I want everyone to have the best time ever watching the Olympics this year! And I do not want to turn on the news and see people getting caught in scams that are meant to do you harm online! So after finding out how awesome of a fan you are, check out the tips from Trend Micro and get safe – r!
Want to know more about Trend Micro’s Security products and get more tips? Check out the posts I have done regarding both! And then head to the Digital Joneses website to learn more about the monthly challenges the participating bloggers complete as well as other informative features!
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**My family and I will participate in a year long program designed by Trend Micro. We will receive assets to take the challenges on. My opinions and writings are 100% mine and can not be duplicated or copied without prior permission. The assets received in exchange for our input will vary. Assets received to date: ASUS Zenbook computer; Security Software, 2 AT&T G Phones, Promotional Material, Gift Cards to purchase service. Please see my Disclaimers Page for more information.**
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