In the next few days,  I am going to be posting books by author’s who are emerging into the public forum.  These books are highly rated and I am excited about them all!  Be sure to check back over the next few days to see them all!


Do you understand the Hebrew Sabbath and Holidays?:

The Feasts of Israel: How They Are Fulfilled Within the Church

The Feasts of Israel

This book is a synopsis of the Hebrew Sabbath and the seven major Feasts of Israel- Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of First Fruits, Shavuot (Pentecost), Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Do they have relevancy to the Christian Church? This book will help Christians, and others, expand and grow both in their faith and in the knowledge of the faith of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son. “I highly recommend this book, which gave me insight into these events which I wish I could have learned many years ago. Those in ministry and those contemplating commenting on the question of Israel should read this book.” – Dr. Stephen Hambly, Chairman, Evangelical Order of Certified Pastoral Counsellors, Executive Director, Canadian Christian Clinical Counsellors Association “Using clear and understandable terminology, the author takes us through each of these feasts in a journey that is informational, inspirational, and exciting at the same time… The book is an excellent introductory tool for anyone interested in learning more about the feasts of Israel and how they relate to the Christian liturgical year.” – Jorge Sedaca, National Director, Chosen People Ministries (Canada) ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Andrea C. Paterson, Th.D., is a seventy-five-year-old widow. Having established outreaches in several long-term care facilities, she sees continued growth in those to whom she ministers. She spends her life in service to others, having a heart for both home and foreign missions. She is the author of Three Monotheistic Faiths-An Analysis and Brief History (2009).

Learn about Andrea C. Paterson

What has been said about The Feasts of Israel:

“I was more than happy to read [Dr. Paterson’s] new work The Feasts of Israel, full of religious holiday facts and the joy of family sharing. As the Chairman of the EOCPC (Evangelical Order Certified Pastoral Counsellors), of which Dr.
Paterson is a ten-year member, I highly recommend this book, which gave me insight into these events that I wish I could have learned many years ago. Those in ministry and those contemplating commenting on the question of Israel should read this book.”

~ Dr. Stephen Hambly
Chairman, Evangelical Order Certified Pastoral Counsellors
Executive Director, Canadian Christian Clinical Counsellors Association

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