This conversation about a Mom Deserves the Best and Teleflora Delivers It is brought to you by Teleflora. All opinions are my own. #LoveOutLoud #Teleflora AD
Behold the smile on mom’s face when she opens the door and sees the exquisite floral arrangement that you took the time to go to Teleflora and order for her. I can tell you that even though the flowers I received came from the company and not a loved on, I still oohed and ahhed and stopped to smell them and admire them 50 times a day! I can’t even imagine the beaming happiness I would have had for days getting these from a loved one would have produced! So, YES – even though she says she does not want anything – a fresh and elegant floral arrangement from Teleflora can’t help but bring a sense of unbridled happiness to mom this Mother’s Day!
Teleflora’s Beautiful Mother’s Day arrangements are here and you can get them on the website to be delivered by the big day! From classic arrangements bursting with bright colors to subtle stylish touches, there is something beautifully unique for every mom.
I was lucky enough to get the TELEFLORA’S ART GLASS TREASURE BOUQUET. It is stunning!
Show mom your unwavering love and appreciation with this exquisite work of art brimming with fragrant pink lilies, purple roses and chrysanthemums. This exclusive arrangement arrives in a one-of-a-kind hand-blown vase with whimsical iridescent shades of turquoise that give each piece a truly unique and personal touch
It lasted for quite a while in my house, well over a week, and just the photos remind me of the elegance that sat in my kitchen. There are many arrangements to choose from and all of them can be delivered just in time for Mother’s Day!
Hurry over and order yours and be prepared for the “I Love them!!” phone call from mom!
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