Each day that we spend on this planet is an opportunity and a gift. Nobody is promised tomorrow and as such, we should learn to be thankful for every moment that we are here. Most of us at least know this simple lesson on some level, whether we adhere to it or not. Those of us that don’t really stick to it probably never really thought about it until we were much older. It got me to thinking…could this be a link? Could it be that kids that are exposed to “day appreciation” end up happier and more appreciative of each day? Is this where all those “happy people” come from?
To that end, I started doing some digging. I started targeting my “happy” friends and relatives. I began researching.
My conclusion?
Most people that are well adjusted and happy in adulthood were fairly happy as kids. Many of them experienced heartache like everyone else, but they seemed to have a solid support system. More specifically, I asked each person that fit this category a question. I asked them:
“When you were a child, were you made aware of the importance of each new day?”
Almost without fail, they said that they were. In many cases they had creative parents that spent time with them talking about various parts of their day. Each day seemed to have meaning and they tended to not take that for granted.
This primitive means of research was not groundbreaking….happy people tend to be happy. Still, it did kind of confirm something I already knew. Focusing on the importance of our time will help to make us appreciate it more.
If you have children, there are a number of ways you can incorporate this principle into their lives seamlessly and naturally. One way is to simply deliver the message. Remind your children that life is short and that each day is a gift from God. Treat it like a diamond and care for it as unique and different from all the other days in time. Kids can relate to that far better than adults really. They are able to expand their minds and really get into that concept.
Another great way to get them to appreciate the day is to have a regular discussion. The kitchen table is ideal for a daily talk but you can do it in the car, at bedtime or during bath time. The point is to make time for it. Ask them about their day and what was special about it. The key is to find something special about each day that makes it unique. If you do this, you will begin to appreciate each one.
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