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I am a HUGE advocate of parents being involved in their children’s schools. I am a member of the PTO and I am usually the homeroom mom if not a helper and I love to help the school in getting donations for school.

Last year I missed more than I wanted dealing with my divorce but this year, with two of my three daughter’s in Elementary School, it will be hard to miss me!

Tyson Project A+ Helps Your School & an Easy Sweet Asian Chicken Stir Fry Recipe! #Clip4School #cbias

More than being a part of the culture of mom’s who annoy their school by being there all the time – like that would stop me – I like to do my part in raising money for them too, as I mentioned.  But I don’t have a ton to give freely so I love programs like Tyson’s Back to School Project A+ Program that allows me to give back just from purchasing products I would buy anyway.

The program is extremely easy to sign up for.  I just went to the Tyson Project A+ website, entered my school’s phone number and address and entered my registrars name as the contact person.  I put me in as the coordinator as I would like to pick up the donated labels at the school and make sure they are turned in for the donations.

Tyson Project A+ Helps Your School & an Easy Sweet Asian Chicken Stir Fry Recipe! #Clip4School #cbias

Now that my school is registered they can take labels and get $0.24 per label turned in.  Since there are over 30 Tyson products participating in this project, it will be super easy to find one you love and benefit your school with a simple cut out from the bag.

You can see my entire shop and sign up for Project A+ and my awesome recipe below in my Google + Story:

 My kids have been gone since I bought these new, specially marked bags but now that they are home, I will be collecting clippings like mad!  I will have a big envelope to take to my school on the first day of school and I am so excited about that!

Tyson Project A+ Helps Your School & an Easy Sweet Asian Chicken Stir Fry Recipe! #Clip4School #cbias

Aside from the obvious benefits to my kid’s school, Tyson products have such variety that they help me create fast, delicious meals for me and my family.  And I think you would be surprised at how many delicious things that you can make with these products.

As I walked the aisles of Walmart I passed the awesome bread bowls, chicken nuggets my kids love, and the grilled chicken strips and chunks that I love to throw in with pasta and salads for a protein kick.

But when I saw the bag of Sweet Asian Chicken Thighs, I knew I had a super fast, ultimately delicious, recipe in my future! I immediately thought of stir fry.  I mean, come on, Sweet Asian Chicken Stir Fry has to be delicious, right?

I got home, pulled everything out for my dinner that night and went to work.  Not that this recipe is really work, to be honest!

Sweet Asian Chicken Stir Fry

3 – 4 Tyson Sweet Asian Chicken Thighs
Bag of Stir Fry Vegetables
1 tablespoon of Olive Oil
Splash of Soy Sauce

Add the oil to pan, toss in the cubed chicken thighs, add the bag of vegetables and let sit, covered, for 8 -10 minutes!  Put it on a plate, add a splash of the soy sauce and enjoy!

Tyson Project A+ Helps Your School & an Easy Sweet Asian Chicken Stir Fry Recipe! #Clip4School #cbias

I told you it was easy!

And you will be completely impressed with how incredibly delicious this turned out with very little effort.  I am so ready for dinner time so I can have my leftovers.  The chicken is tender, flavorful and high quality!

I love creating delicious, easy meals for me and my family.  And I love that products I use to do just that also benefit my children’s school.  Be sure to sign up your school for Tyson’s Project A+  program and make a note to stock up for Back to School now and clip those labels!

Tyson Project A+ Helps Your School & an Easy Sweet Asian Chicken Stir Fry Recipe! #Clip4School #cbias


Tyson Project A+ Website     Tyson on Twitter:  @TysonFoods      Tyson on Facebook

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