I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Discover Boating. I will receive compensation and promotional products as a thank you for participating.

Summertime is winding down here in Houston.  We are about a month away from school starting and summer camps are over and so are the energies to do something new and exciting with my kids.

But thanks to Discover Boating, I have an idea that I am structuring when my kids get back from their dad’s in 2 weeks to help us further bond as the summer comes to a close!  And Discover Boating is where I am getting my ideas and my information to be out on the water with me and my three daughters.  And maybe even our two dogs!

Discover Boating

I tried to schedule a boating trip with my children on a boat rental that I secured through the information on the DiscoverBoating.com website earlier this summer.  But we had a rare, long lasting, summer storm that canceled it last minute.  So I don’t have any awesome photos for you – yet-  to share of our awesome trip.

But what I do have is the passion and information to try to do it again!

Why?  Because though I will never have the financial means to own a boat, nor do I want the responsibility, I want my kids and I to experience freedom on the open water in their childhood!

I believe, along with 91 percent of Americans, that there are benefits for children to be on the water, including: getting outdoors; appreciating nature; spending quality time with family; and disconnecting from technology.  When my ex-husband and I took the girls boating once, they had a blast.  They were very little so there was some sea sickness and fears to start, but they loved the wind on their faces, seeing the waves and just being outside.

Discover Boating

I can not wait to do it again!

Are you needing to wind down the summer with some serious fun and family time?  Use the Cost Comparison Guide to find out how much boating might cost for your family.  And then get on your life vests and create that memory on the water that can only be had when on a boat with family and nothing else!


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