* I have been asked by so many to give an update on this tragic story so here is the latest that I know:
11/20/2012: UPDATE!! Raise your hands to the Lord above and thank him for entering the Jurors hearts and minds. Jessica Tata received 80 years with no chance of parole this morning!!! Basically, LIFE IN PRISON!!! Those babies will never come back but at least she will PAY!
No, I am not kidding. I get more and more sick the more I learn. PLEASE make sure you check on your child care provider. These 4 babies died for NO REASON. There were so many failures on so many levels.
11/12/2012: Thank the Good Lord above, Jessica Tata, the woman who left 7 children under the age of 4 alone in her home day care while she went shopping at Target and to Starbucks, was found GUILTY of Felony Murder on one of the deaths!
I have watched this case very closely, still stunned that a woman caring for children would leave them alone in a house. Not only that, she would do so leaving a pot of hot oil on a stove that was on. The case brings tears to my eyes as I think of those seven little babies struggling to breath while she was out and about. The Good Lord answered the prayers of her being charged with Murder as opposed to a lesser charge of child neglect. More on the case is below.
Original Post
Yesterday was a big news day in Houston. Discovery made its final, historic lift off to space, a police officer was shot while serving a warrant, and the weather was perfect.
And, breaking news at 2pm CST, a home daycare center was on fire and children were dead. Details were sketchy but by the time I could sit down, with none of my own children around to listen, more were filling in.
3 babies were dead. 4 babies rushed to the hospital in critical condition. **Update – a 4th baby has died as a result of the injuries sustained in this fire – 2/27/2011**
As I watched the devastation, I automatically started questioning the fire and the woman in charge of 7 children, ages 15 months to 3 years old.
She was shown by the news cameras, talking to neighbors, seeming calm and collected, like someone who was simply discussing the details of a house fire, glad to have escaped with her life, not mourning 3 children who had died in her home. And as I listened to her story, relayed by the newscaster, that she had come out of a bedroom to see her home on fire and dashed to the door, unable to see any of the 7 children to save them, I immediately had doubts.
As the camera panned out and I saw the firefighters on the roof, cutting holes to let out the smoke, and emergency personnel obviously fighting to hold it together after what they had seen, I wondered how the fire had gotten so intense so fast. And I wondered, if she were right there with those children, or just one room away while they napped, why didn’t she smell smoke before it engulfed the house? And then it hit me – right in the gut… she was not home!
It explained everything. How, even though she should know where the 7 children were, she managed to grab not one single one on her way out, or bust a window and start throwing children from the house, knowing a parent would want a child with a broken bone more than not one at all. And it explained how she was standing in the street, chatting up neighbors, while emergency crews were performing CPR on her front lawn to lifeless, smoke residue covered children, and her vibrant, red shirt did not have a spot on it.
And the anger started. Building from my womb that had born three and rising to my brain who knew things were suspicious and just not right. It passed my heart, bleeding tears for the scared, screaming babies, stuck in that house, and wiped away my tears that were falling freely.
And with every report, update, and mention of this story, I felt it grow, fueling my need to know more.
When the news reported today that there were eyewitness reports from neighbors that they saw the daycare provider pull into her driveway, hands full of groceries, minutes before coming out screaming, “My babies! My babies! Somebody save my babies!”, I knew my suspicions were right.
And then I was really angry.
When I found out that one of the dead children was on day 2 at that daycare, I was angrier. And when the news interviewed one of the neighbors, who had broken a window and tried to save a little boy he saw, arms outstretched, crying for his mother, but was too overcome by smoke and could not see him to grab him, I was seriously mad. Because that meant the fire had been going for a while… and no one was there to get them out when they could have.
I know bad things happen. Children are killed, murdered, and abused every single day. But for some reason, I can not let the anger of this one go. I want to go find the irresponsible woman who decided that heading to the grocery store and leaving 7 children, ages 15 months to 3 years old to tend to themselves, was a perfectly good childcare practice, and shake her until my rage is gone.
I think this one is too much. Too close to home. Too unnecessary. Too scary.
Katie was in a home childcare center her first year and though I knew the woman who was watching her, I prayed that this kind of thing did not happen every single time I dropped her off. And I know these mothers did too.
Whether we stay home with our kids or we trudge off to work everyday, all parents have to leave their precious children with someone else at times. We can not be with them 24 hours a day. We do it every day when they go to school, a friend’s house to play, or Grandma’s for a sleepover. We all do so with an understanding that we will pick them up when we want them back. And that they will be as healthy as when we left them.
None of us expects a phone call screaming at us to get there as soon as possible – something horrible has happened. And if we get one, we don’t expect for our child to be dead. Especially not at the hands of the one we pay to take care of them. I do consider this murder if it is proven that the “caregiver” was not home.
So here I sit, typing out this post, my fingers flying on the keyboard, only stopping to wipe my damp eyes, wondering if I should even post it. Is my anger for a woman I do not know, my mourning for children I don’t know, and my heartache for the parents whose lives have been altered permanently even justified? Or am I being selfish and internalizing this tragedy too much.
Or is this all I can do. Just write about it. Hope that it resonates with people and that they take it in and use it as an opportunity to really, seriously, diligently check out their childcare provider. Do drop ins and spot checks like I used to, without warning, and at odd times, just to make sure everything is on the up and up. And pray that if every one does it, these deaths, in the home of an apparently negligent woman, were not for naught.
Or maybe I am just looking to find a place to transfer my smoldering anger.
Link Update – She has fled to Nigeria!!!! A burner was left on with a pot of oil on the stove while she grocery shopped!
3/30/2011: YES! The daycare owner has been charged with 4 counts of Murder – along with her other charges!
3/20/2011 – FINALLY!!! The daycare operator is currently on her way back to Houston to face her crime!!
– The daycare owner fled the country the Friday after the fire. She is in Nigeria. The Houston Fire Department asked 6 times to have her secured because they believed her a flight risk, and all 6 times, the DA said no. She is now on the US Marshall’s Most Wanted list.
– Funerals for 4 babies were held this week. The most devastating account I heard – and this will break your heart so be warned – a 3 year old boy that died was one of 2 siblings at the daycare. His 2 year old sister survived with burns on the lower part of her body. They say that the 3 year old boy laid over his sister during the fire. He was burned beyond identification.
– There is video of the woman shopping at Target while the fire was happening and she was charged 2 times as a juvenile for arson.
There are more details here: http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/local&id=7996338
Unbelievable! I can’t fathom the pain of the poor parents. I’ll keep them all in my prayers.
Thank you Janae… I can not either. That is why I had to write this…
It is so difficult to put myself in the parents position right now, because my son is healthy and sleeping in the next room. But I am saying a prayer for the parents that have to now bury their beautiful babies that they dropped off to someone they thought they could trust! I am literally sick to my stomach after reading about it, I have an ache in my heart for those babies that had to suffer unnecessarily at the hand of a ………. I’m not even going to give that woman ANY cussing credit, she doesn’t cussing deserve it! Especially since witnesses say they saw her drive up with groceries. I am shaking with anger, hurting deeply and now I’m going to wake my son up and give him a huge hug and tell him once again that I love him so, and together we’re going to say prayers for the families and babies that had to suffer! Thank you for sharing your feelings, I think that it IS good therapy! Cindy
Thank you Cindy! I am glad I am not the only one angry like crazy. My kids are my life… I can not even imagine…
Wow…This is so incredibly sad. I don’t even know how to begin to even TRY to understand how this could happen. I feel so bad for those kids and the parents. :(
I don’t either. I did not sleep last night worried about the ones that survived. All we can do is pray, I suppose.
So awful. If she truly left them alone and went shopping (omg – how awful) – she should be charged with 3 counts of murder and 4 counts of attempted murder – life behind bars – how can someone be so dumb and still ask people to pay her for NOT watching their kids – atrocious :(
I agree… or burn her at the stake?
Thank you for your post. I completely agree. I am angered and grieving about the unnecessary tragedy as well.
Thank you for reading and commenting Shannon. It is a true tragedy…
I have goosebumps after reading this! How tragic! I do not have any children of my own. But I have the maternal instinct. To even try to imagine what those children were going through at that time we can never even begin to imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with the childrens’ families. I applaud you for writing this post. Like you said to make parents aware and to do a thorough check on the childcare providers.
Thank you Denise. I think this kind of story hit everyone, whether there are children of your own involved or not. The sheer magnitude of the pain and suffering is not hard to imagine or hurt about.
It’s horrible. How in the world could ANYONE think 7 kids under 3 would be ok alone in another part of the house for more than 10 minutes, let alone completely abandoned and no care at all. It is horrible and I feel the same anger and frustration when hearing more. I can’t begin to imagine the horror those parents are facing.
I agree Daria. I can not even leave my 3 alone for 5 minutes. How in the world could someone think they could leave 7 for so long :(
I am absolutely disgusted that innocent children had to die due to the trust of parents being put into the wrong woman. I was in a home daycare from an early age, and you couldn’t have asked for a better group of caretakers. For this woman to have left even one child unattended for any amount of time is inexcusable. My thoughts are with the parents of all of the children, and the community in general. My only hope is that a tragedy of this nature brings about a change in a flawed system. I’m going to hold my son extra tight right now and make sure to let him know that I love him.
That is my hope too CJ, that some good can come out of it by making people more alert and aware of their childcare workers. It is no way the fault of the parents for this tragedy but maybe another can be prevented.
I read about this, but when the story broke it didn’t have any of these details. I am saddened more than anything. The anger and outrage will come later, but right now I am thinking about those precious babies and their devastated parents. Nothing can ever make that right. I am praying for them.
Me too Lisha. I still have that anger… very much so…. but the sadness is right there on the surface as well.
Lori, I am broken hearted about this. Not sure how I missed it on World News. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Your welcome Lori. I am not sure if it was on the WN… but it should be…
Well I will tell you this first off. My husband is a daycare provider in our home and NEVER in our life would we ever have left any children unattended to go get groceries; let alone leave them in our home without any adult supervision. We are from NY state and the rules and regulations are strict-I would think in your state they are just as strict and I feel that woman should be arrested for what has happened. Although I know it won’t bring those children back she was entrusted with their lives. Nothing will bring those children back and she should have to pay for this. Boy I am fuming.
Thank you so much for sharing this story. Just goes to prove my husband may be a man doing daycare-but he is a responsible, loving man and would NEVER allow something so haunting happen to any of the children in his care.
I am glad I am following your blog-your posts are informative and I am glad I found you on the Hoppin Weekend!
Becky W.
Thank you Becky! I think 98% of home childcare workers are diligen
Sorry -diligent in their care and do it because they truly love it- men and women alike. My provider was excellent and encouraged spot checks and unannounced visits. And she always opened the door for me to find my daughter clean, fed, and well loved. I can not imagine why someone would this just to be purposely negligent. She was a licences caregiver with no complaints…
That is such a sad, horrible story, and it makes me sick. I had just read a story about a week ago about a nanny who was slipping an infant benadryl to keep him asleep during the day to make her job easier. That pissed me off. Your story about the fire enrages me. I feel so awful for those parents, and hope that woman gets a very long sentence. Although no length of time is enough to punish her for what she did. :(
OMG!! The Nanny was slipping the child Benedryl?? What is happening to this world? And when did children become pawns in it!
I cried when I read the story yesterday and the update this morning as well. It is an awful story. The parents, my heart breaks for them. I hope you are right and that people read about this tragedy and pop into their daycare centers once in a while to be sure their children are being cared for. I like to think that the majority of centers are not led by negligent people like this one apparently was.
I agree Rachel… if just one negligent daycare is shut down as a result, I will be thrilled.
I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. I don’t even understand how she had that many children in that age group under her lone care to begin with. Here that is illegal. I feel really awful for that one family whose child had only been there two days. I remember leaving my first in daycare. I felt guilty every day. It took a long time to find a good one. And even then I felt guilty for having to work to support us instead of spending my time taking care of him. Disgusting. I hope they throw the book at her and then some.
LACE – the limit here in that age group is 6. I have 3 children 4 and under and I can barely handle it… I do not see how that is a good number at all.
How horrible. Feeling angry along with you. Feeling terribly sad for the mommies and daddies, grandparents and family members of those children who died in that fire too, probably more so. Because they will never see their children grow up into big people.
Makes me want to love my children even more and the people in my life. Terrible, awful, unconscionable things happen to beautiful innocent children, animals and other human beings. The news show us this every moment we peel our eyes to watching it.
A person can’t feel awful enough to make a difference in the outer world. We can only be kind, loving, warm, generous, respectful in the world we breathe in in our daily lives. Make it a good one for the people who love you and you love.
The people that love you need your LOVE, everyday no matter what is happening outside of their world.
Thank you Raquel and well said. You are right, it is very hard to foresee a tragedy like this. But it is certainly a reason to hold those we love even more dear…
I feel like I’m going to throw-up. I’m North of Houston, Purdon to be exact.
Oh- my- gosh. I just don’t even know what to really say. It makes me sick, angry, hurt, and my heart hurts for those families. If she wasn’t home (which could explain it.) I hope she gets everything she deserves.
Me too Brooke…. me too….
Thank you Bella…
This is horrible. I’m so sorry.
just found your blog and NEWEST follower! I live near Houston too, and can’t stop watching the coverage of this tragic story. When I worked as a teacher, my son went to an in-home daycare and I keep flashing to “What if that was my son?!” Ugh, makes me sick to think about….
So sad, and you said it SO well.
Thank you Marissa and welcome… I’ll be heading to your page…
Wow, what and incredibly touching and well-written story. Thanks for sharing this so others will stop and think before doing something such as this. So very sad…
I just became a follower and hope you will follow me back. My blog features lots of FREE information about business and personal finance issues.
http://malindawinkle.blogspot.com – I follow back anyone who follows me, ladies!
Thank you Malinda – I hope it saves just one child too. I am following your blog!
That is so scary. I’m glad Sam stays home with me!
I agree – we are lucky. But for those who leave for work, I know the fear all too well…
As a mother (21 yrs. & 14 yrs.) and a day care mom (1- 3 yr. old, 1- 4 yr. old and 2- 5 yr. olds)This story first saddened me and then I got angry! All of my “babies” have been with me since they were newborns and I love each of them as I much as I love the ones I gave birth to. It really got me thinking about the way I treat my kids. I am soooo overprotective! I don’t even close the door when I go to the bathroom! It’s easier for them to follow me in there and talk to me, that way I know what they are doing at all times! Even walking to the mailbox everyday becomes a field trip, we look for birds, bugs and flowers on the way. To think that someone could leave those children alone and go to the store…it just baffles me. Just send this “babysitter” to me, I could dish out some just punishment for her…
I will happily oblige… assuming she makes it to you after seeing me. I have 3 at home and I too fear every little thing. I have never left my kids to run errands!!!
That was very hard to read. I cannot imagine what the parents are going through. I have a hard time leaving my kids next door with my MIL half the time as it is! This is one of the reasons I have never put mine in preschool or daycare…..I just worry too much about their safety in the hands of another.
More than my grief for the parents is what I feel when I think of those children in the house. It makes me want to bawl thinking about what was going on in their heads, how they couldnt do anything and everything they tried didnt work. Its too much to think about. I wish that the woman who was supposed to be taking care of them ends up with a life sentence in prison, and then I hope that every mother in that prison hears of what she did…..she will be paying for it for a long time.
This is a wake up call to anyone who reads this story. Not just to check out daycares, but to make sure they are safe at HOME too. I have heard too many stories about people running to the store real quick while their kids are sleeping and then come home to the police saying the kids called 911 because mom was missing, or the fire trucks trying to control the blaze not knowing there are children inside because the smoke prevented them from waking up to the flames, or walking up to the house to see the front door open and the kids are gone. Children should NEVER be left unattended.
I didnt hear about this news bit until just now, and I am infuriated by it! I agree with you 100% and you have every right as a mother and a human being to be upset by this.
Thank you Ashley. I have actually never heard of someone leaving a house with kids in it, sleeping or not, to run an errand. I barely want to walk to the mailbox with one napping! Too many things can happen. These are KIDS!! It is a devastating story and I hope that just one mom takes heed and makes sure that she is overly protective too…
Before I had a baby, my friends with kids always seemed as though they were in some type of special club, they way they spoke about things, telling me that I didn’t understand.
And they were right. I had no idea how dramatically and completely having a baby would change my life, and change who I am. Raising a baby is such a beautiful thing, and I never had any idea how much love I could feel.
I also had no idea what fear really was. I thought I had felt fear. But nothing is like the fear a mother feels when worrying about something happening to her baby, no matter how big they get.
There is a new part of your heart that develops right along with that baby, and it just breaks when hearing stories like this. I cannot begin to imagine the heartbreak.
Just reading this post made me cry. Thank you for bringing attention to it, and for allowing the rest of us to send good thoughts and prayers to the parents who were involved in this.
Your welcome Meagan – my 3rd daughter is Megan ;) I debated on this post but am not glad that I was as descriptive and honest about my feelings as I was. I, too, never understood real fear until I had children. I have a hard time leaving them with my MIL! MY heart aches for these families and those little, scared babies left all alone to burn alive. I’d like to do the same to the “sitter”.
this absolutely broke my heart. I did home care for a while when my kids were very young. I took that job AND privilege very seriously. I dont know the whole story but wonder if SHE herself was a mother? When you are a mother you live that joy and pride and love …and yes, fear of motherhood every minute. How could she , with that understanding, leave those kids for even 5 minutes?
My husband and I had a date night planned this weekend, to use holiday gift cards for a special night out. Our teen son had a last minute chance to hang out with friends and teen daughter out for the night as well. We decided to invite our tween daughter along, as I knew even though she is responsible and usually not scared…I can not fathom leaving her for a dinner and movie and having something happen…to hear a noise, have someone come to the door, or God forbid have to deal with a true medical or emergency situation ALONE. She is 11 1/2, trained in what to do and how to use a phone and capable physically to at least TRY to get out of a situation. We all know at some point our children have to ease into their own independence, but even at this age it is hard for me. I dont even like leaving a child this age for more than a few minutes. I do realize some parents do when they cant afford care for them after school, but all in all, I think so much of how scared they could become.
I assume this woman told these children they could not get out of bed or possibly locked doors even. The helplessness of these toddlers and babies in cribs and caged in to die a hellish death brings anyone to tears.
We have seen stories like this where a person would do just about anything to hide the truth. For her to so easily lie and hide this truth makes me wonder what level of care these children (or even her own?) may have EVER had. Most often we can say the worst punishment for a person responsible for another’s death (such as drunk driver homicide) would be that they have to live with and RELIVE this every day of their lives. But is seems that she will not be phased by this. Although I dont believe in a death for a death personally, I do hope she has her free life taken from her and is made to live in the worst prison our country has to offer, with no frills that some of our systems are so famous for.
I could not agree more Eileen. She is a 22 year old woman and, I do not think, has kids of her own. She is a murderer in my book and the more I find out, the more I want to hunt her down myself. Let’s just pray the families get their day and matches to use on that day on her….
I truly sad and horrible story for every parent & child out there. It was senseless & the lady deserves the punishment she will get. You asked yourself if you should be this outraged by this. I say that every child that die wants you to be outrage & wants to you reach out to everyone you know, make it known that this type of senseless child abuse won’t be tolerated and that they mattered to all of us. I am happy you have gotten so many comments, it shows you how many care about this. We need more to stop child abuse.
I agree 100% Kim. It IS Child abuse and murder… My only hesitation was the sensitivity to it and the fact that I only had limited knowledge of the facts. But I am glad I posted it with my suspicions. Because my gut has been right so far. Thank you for coming by and commenting.
Ok. There are so many things in my head I don’t know where to start. First? Yeah. I have seven children of my own. And I ALWAYS know where they are. Also? I’ve worked as a daycare provider. Both in my home and at a state licensed center. I took care of … babies from 0-6 months. And I cannot begin to tell you how knotted up my stomach is, how hot tears are streaming down my face, and how I was keening” oh, the BABIES!!” as I read this. I am devastated, and death is too good for that woman.
I agree Caryn – esp now that I know that she left those babies with a pot of oil sitting on the stove with a burner on while she went to the freaking grocery store!!!!
I’m stunned. Just absolutely stunned. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? My heart is just broken for the families of the children who were lost, and those who were injured… the little boy trying to save his sister? I’m crying. And the daycare provider? I wish justice, actually, I wish vengeance upon her. She deserves so much more than justice. This was no accident, she did nothing to try to save those poor children… she should pay. I want her to pay. I’m still in disbelief about this whole thing… it sickens me at the same time it breaks my heart. I wish I could leave work now to go pickup my Goose from daycare and snuggle her tight, safe in my arms…
We used an in-home daycare until Goose was 6 months old and while the little things that bothered me were no-where near this kind of neglect, I do wish that I had pulled her from there sooner… I don’t think I could ever go back to an in-home daycare, and stories like this don’t help. People like this give the good in-home providers a bad reputation… which is sad in yet another way…
This entire story has been so sad to watch unfold and my heart breaks for the families. Hearing the guilty verdict today was one step closer for the families to finally get justice that is deserved for all of the babies.
Today was definitely a win for little 16 month-old Elias Castillo and his family, but now all we can do is hope for the longest sentence possible for Jessica Tata. I still wonder if it will be enough considering her lack of remorse during the trial and verdit hearing today….makes me sick.
I remember reading about this when it first happened. I’m so glad that she was found and got more than a slap on the wrist, but my heart still breaks for those families. I can’t even begin to imagine.
It is beyond tragic. Every time I hear about it I squeeze my girls a little tighter. If there were deaths that could have been prevented, these were them.
That is so sad and very sickening. How could someone do that to a child/ren? What makes me more mad if the state deemed her qualified to care for children in her home! Anyone who takes care of a living being should have to undergo a strick mental evaluation. Too many crazy people in the world now of days and I think for the best interest of children they should be in the care of a trained and licensed child care provider with an educational background in early childhood education and some medical background to preform CPR if need be. This is reasons why child are shouldn’t be in homes an it will especially scare off parents who are looking for affordable child care