So for weeks not I have been telling you guys about my night time potty training efforts with my three daughters. All three are trained during the day but I have been lax working on the night times. So, we wear a lot of Pull-Ups in this house.
To help motivate me to get the girls up during the night and sit them on the potty, thus training them to wake themselves up, I invited some friends over to have a Pull-Ups ‘First Flush’ party. I had anywhere from moms who have infants and will be training in the next year or so to those who are struggling with the night time training as well!
I made it easy and casual for me and the moms. I put out the packages of Pull-Ups and the party packs which I received, added some cookies, chips and dips and juices and off we went. The moms and I talked about potty training tips and ideas as the kids played and ran around outside!
We also all downloaded the Pull-Ups ‘First Flus’ Potty Training App for our Smartphones! We were so excited… I mean, the kids were so excited to see their favorite Disney Characters come to life in this 3D App! Check it out on your iPhone and Android device and get the help you need at your finger tips!
Some great tips that came out of the party were:
– Make the potty not scary. Show your child how to use it step by step in simple terms. We moms make a joke about never being able to use the potty alone, use that invasive time to talk about what you are doing, each process at a time.
– Reward you child for the little things. Just sitting in the potty, even with clothes on, earns a sticker on the Pull-Ups progress chart!
– Get a small portable potty. Sometimes children are scared of the big potty that seems over sized for them. Invest in a fun character potty and place it in the bathroom next to the big one. As they get used to that, get a soft ring from the store for the big potty. Eventually -at least in all of my girls cases – they remove the ring and use the big potty on their own.
– Use older siblings. My 3 year old used to accompany my bigger girls into the bathroom. About a year ago, I walked in and she had diaper off and was using the big potty. No ‘training’ needed from me. Seeing her sister’s use it motivated her to be like the ‘big girls’.
– If you are night time training – like me – set your alarm to wake the kids up about an hour after they go to bed and again in the middle of the night. Yes, you will be tired. But imagine if your kids were trained 24 hours a day! They might surprise you and train in a week or so. Then you can catch up on your sleep!
My friend and I loved the party and we even decided that real boys wear pink!
Now that you are into the Pull-Ups potty training mode, be sure to ENTER TO WIN the Pull-Ups Sweepstakes on Facebook! One family will WIN a trip to a famous Orlando destination just for sharing their ‘First Flush’ moment! Super easy and fun!
Let me know your best potty training tips and tricks, too! I am all ears as I am currently in the waking up phase and waking 3 up twice a night is exhausting! I am thinking of training one of them at a time, honestly!
**I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pull-Ups. I received product samples to facilitate my review and to host a party. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. Please see my Disclosure Statement for more information.**
Whatever happened to me “I won’t wake my kids for anything so I will forgo it for their sleep! “