**This conversation about Just Right by Purina & How to Protect Pets This Winter is brought to you by Purina. All opinions are my own.** #DogsofJustRight #ad ™
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I do not like cold weather. Sure, it’s fine after a really hot summer and can wake up those blood cells that napped through the heat but I am happiest if it goes away by lunch time. My dogs, unfortunately, have learned that cold weather is not good for them either. They prefer to be curled up, under covers, being spoiled in the way they have grown accustomed. Did you know that there is more you can do to ‘winterize your dog’ then keeping them inside? Just like on warmer days, they need activity, skin and body care and nutrition to maintain their health and comfort when the snow hits the ground. Thanks to my partnership with Just Right by Purina, I am learning more about How to Protect Pets This Winter than I even knew before.
Keep Them Active
I have always known that my dogs activity level drop in the winter months. Of course they do. No one wants to go out in the cold rain and snow for hours on end, exploring. So they stay in more and more. Winter months are a GREAT time to teach your dog a new trick, to introduce toys that make them think and to play treasure hunt with them. Anything that keeps their minds active and their bodies moving is a good thing!
Update Their Food to Protect Pets This Winter
My dog Jack, @OneEyedJackTX on Instagram, has been reaping the benefits of Just Right by Purina for several years now. I have altered his custom blend a few times over the year but did not know that there was a need to ‘winterize’ his food as well. Jack is high energy but, when the daily walks and squirrel chases subside because of weather, he is a classic beagle bum. His blend includes ingredients that support a very active lifestyle. By changing his custom formula to support a more sedentary lifestyle I can keep the winter weight off of him too.
Changing my custom blend is easy too. I simple log into my account on JustRightbyPurina.com and adjust my dog’s needs. It takes no time at all and is that easy~
Prepare for the Party Animals
By party animals, I don’t mean the dogs. I mean all of those wonderful family members and friends that you have coming and going for the holidays. Make sure your furry friend does not get stressed out by all the activity too! Have a designated room with food, water and a warm bed that your pup can go relax in while the party is going on. Feed your pup before guests arrive to try to curb begging and brush up on your training before the event too!
Winterizing your dog is important. Skip the bath to save their skin, dry them off when they come in from the cold and making sure they can’t get so close to the fireplace that they burn themselves are also important steps to take.
But making sure they have the right blend of the right nutrition is key too. Limit the treats but increase the ingredients they need to make them thrive all winter long!
How do you Protect Pets This Winter ?
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