A few weeks back I told you about the awesome website, TeachMetoSwim.com! Now it is time to really get into it because Memorial Day is FAST approaching and we need to teach our kids to SWIM!
Saturday, May 18, 2013 is National Learn to Swim Day!
What does that mean to you? On Saturday, May 18th, Swimways encourages families around the country to participate in National Learn to Swim Day by signing children up for swimming lessons, hosting a National Learn to Swim Day event or committing to learning to swim this summer.
Swimways started National Learn to Swim Day in 2012 with the goal of educating families about the importance and benefits of learning to swim before Memorial Day Weekend and the start of summer.
I, for one, could not be more excited! My kids are with their dad tomorrow- he is taking them to the beach – but our neighborhood pool is now open and I will be taking them next week to help them along this year! Luckily, I have all of the AWESOME swim gear from Swimways to help me teach my kids to be better swimmers!
And I LOVE the TeachMetoSwim.com website fro helpful tips, ideas and more! All summer long, Swimways will be working with Mario Vittone, former Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue Swimmer and instructor and water safety expert, to bring expert water safety tips to Swim Steps’ dedicated website TeachMeToSwim.com. In addition to these tips, families can download free materials and resources on the site, including a swimming certificate, National Learn to Swim Day party invitation, coloring sheets and more.
It is not too late to gather your neighbors, friends and family to get everyone excited about pool safety this summer! Are you doing something special on National Learn to Swim Day? Tell me about it! I want to see pictures too!
**I am a SwimWays Ambassador. I will receive products for review, information and special materials in order to share with you. All opinions and writings are my own. Please see my Disclosure Statement for more information.**
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