There are a lot of things in my life that I think I could have done better.  Lessons I learned after the fact. Clothes I should have never bought and so on.  I think we all have those.  But, until I had kids, there were very few I would have liked to ‘Do- Over’.

But parenthood has a way of making me wish I had done things differently from time to time.  I wish I had worked harder on getting them out of diapers and pull ups, I wish I had weaned them off milk sooner, and I wish I had never, ever taught them that it was OK to draw on the walls!

OK – so the last part is a little dramatic!  What I mean is… I wish I had not had my husband create a huge chalkboard that covers an entire wall and told the kids it was OK to draw on it.  Not when they were too young to understand that wall 1 was a chalkboard and walls 2, 3 and 4 were so not chalkboards!

Notice How Nice and Clean the Chalkboard is

Because, now, as they have grown up being able to draw on the wall, they have transferred that knowledge to their bedroom walls, the doors and any other surface they see fit.  So, we now struggle, almost daily, to teach them the difference.

And yes, now that at least two of them are old enough to know better, you would think it would be easier.  But just look at my daugher’s bedroom walls!

So NOT Pretty!

And I totally blame myself!  Now, I know this does not seem like a major ‘Do – Over’ but, in all honesty, it kind of is.  I have painted the walls, punished the kids, taken away the colors and done everything I know how to do to stop the whimsical coloring of my walls.  We have even told them that we are not painting their rooms the coveted pink and purple until they stop.

To no avail.

Ultimate Mommy Fail!

If I could do it over, I would only let them color on paper and would have never introduced the chalk board, thus creating the wall coloring monsters I now have!

But there are ways to prevent Do – overs in your home on a daily basis!  The Frigidaire Gallery™Dishwasher gets dishes fully cleaned the first time, so there are no dish do-overs. Nearly half of adults admit to re-washing and/or re-drying dishes after the dishwasher cycle has been completed. To prevent dishwasher do-overs, Frigidaire® is stepping in with its new Gallery® Dishwasher featuring the OrbitCleanTM Wash Arm, ensuring dishes are cleaned right the first time.

Where can I get one?  We redo dishes all the time!

What ‘Do – Overs’ would you like in your own life?  Is it as simple as having a great Fridgidaire Dishwasher so you don’t have to redo dishes?  Or is there a parenting mistake you wish you had not created?  I’d love to hear them!

**I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective. All the opinions expressed here are my own. please see my disclaimers policy for more information**