I am loving Spring Break with my girls! Yes, I am far behind on work and obligations but I have never laughed harder. And I am already sad that we are half way through and that we return to our normal activities next week. I don’t want to forget this week and the memories we are making so I’ll share some so you can remind me later!
The big swing!
A few weeks ago, my husband threw a rope tied to a rock over one of our large Oak trees and creates a swing for the girls. It is a disc swing that was on our play set that had been replaced with a tire swing. From the moment it was hung, the girls were in love. Especially Katie. “Push my high Mommy! Remember, hold me waaay over your head before you push!” A reminder not needed as the squeals of delight filter through the air the higher I push her fuel me making me want to push as high as I can. Unfortunately we have been sidelined a lot due to rain.
But this week we have taken full advantage and swung as high as we possibly can! And as I watch my eldest daughter spin and scream with delight, I feel blessed that we can give this to her. This reckless abandon that dances through childhood and is fleeting too fast.
So, this week, I want to remember the big swing.
“I can do it, Mommy.. I a big girl!”
I spend every waking hour – and some asleep – with my youngest, Megan. She is amazing. Smart, beautiful, entertaining and perfect in every way. And I want to do with her and spend time with her. She is my baby and she is growing up too fast. This week, fresh off of potty training herself, I have tried to grasp that she is growing up and that there is not a darned thing I can do about it. But as every mom knows, it is easier said than done!
We were outside playing today, riding bikes and having fun with one of the girls friends over. Usually, I spend part of my time pushing Megan on the scooter. I love it because she stands on it and laughs as I push as fast as I can. But today she decided she did not need me anymore. “I can do it, Mommy… I a Big girl!” And then she did. She got herself up on that scooter and made it all the way to the end of the driveway.
This week I want to remember that she is growing up.
“Mommy, Megan broke Spring Break!”
My Sarah is imaginative and creative and unique in her thinking. She is hysterical without realizing it and her laugh is boisterous and engaging. She is also – lately – a tattle tale. I correct her as I don’t want her to tell me every.single.time that her sister’s have done something but I am glad someone is my third eye at times.
Yesterday, the girls were outside playing in the sandbox. I called them to the porch to get some water and some snacks. And then I went in to get napkins and wipes to wash the sand off of their hands. All of a sudden I hear, “Don’t do that Megan!” and Sarah comes running in!
“Mommy, Megan broke Spring Break!” I burst into laughter and quickly had to regain some control when she said, “No really, Mommy, it’s broken ’cause she hit me!” After hearing the story I surmised that Megan and Sarah had both gone for the same carrot and Megan had swatted Sarah’s hand away. All was well after a quick scolding. But that has to be one of the most hysterical things I have ever heard come out of that child’s mouth.
This week I want to remember that my daughter tells me everything.
I’ll soak up the rest of this week in photographs and mental images of what is was. And I’ll be grateful for it always.
I love that you are documenting this moment in time. It goes so quickly and having a reminder of the hilarious things that come out of their mouths, the personalities they are trying out and discarding as quickly as a new outfit, the feeling of today – great job capturing it.