This post is presented in partnership with March of Dimes and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.
#ImBornTo #MoDSquad sponsored
I really need no excuse at all to invite my dear friends over to enjoy my Easy Meat Lasagna and good conversation. But when the meal comes with amazing conversation about things I truly love and believe in and a slew of high quality gifts for my friends, it is a bonus evening that I cherish. None of my children were born pre-mature. But my nephew was and so many of my friends have experienced the fear, uncertainty and heartbreaking struggle of praying for one more day. They have seen their babies hooked up to machines instead of nursing, with shields on their eyes instead of knowing the gleam of recognition and the hourly updates that keep them going. They have known the disappointment in first holding their babies while wearing scrubs and gloves. The struggle of leaving their tiny infant in the NICU while they have to go home and try to live some sort of life. I don’t wish this agony on anyone. Unfortunately, it is still a reality for too many parents. That is why when the March of Dimes asked me to help spread awareness about the #ImBornTo Campaign and to help encourage all of us to purchase items that help the organization, I was all over it.
From Mother’s Day to Father’s Day, the March of Dimes encourages consumers to shop, donate or take
part in partner promotions to support the cause. Visit to learn more about special other’s Day and Father’s Day offers from our partners.
Four moms and 8 kids arrived on a Friday night to be served a casual dinner and great conversation about all things kids, motherhood and great causes. One of the moms has boy and girl twins. She is new to the neighborhood so I wanted to welcome her in with open arms! As we looked at all of the items you can get from the 2015 March of Dimes sponsors, which are listed below, she talked about her own experience with her twins being preemies. She did not realize how much work the March of Dimes does to help from pregnancy to birth and after. In fact, even if you have only had full term babies, the March of Dimes is still involved! If you have had an APGAR score, they are behind it!
Support of the March of Dimes last year provided 15,700 babies lifesaving surfactant therapy, developed by March of Dimes researchers, and gave 90,000 families with a newborn in intensive care comfort and information through NICU Family Support®.
I can not emphasize enough how important it is that we all do our part to support women who are pregnant, mothers to preemies, families to full term babies and anyone else needing assistance with their babies. The March of Dimes is a 75 year old, proven organization that really does make a difference. By helping with a purchase of a high quality item from this year’s sponsors at, you help the March of Dimes reduce the number of premature babies dying every day, which is 72.
I had such a wonderful evening with my friends and their children and I was so happy to hand them some gifts which will, hopefully, be dear to their hearts!
Which of the items would you purchase for someone you love? Which would you love to have for yourself?
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