So I have been a very proud Chevy Girl for a while now! Since joining, Houston Area Chevy Dealers have given away a myriad of gift cards, an iPad or two, some cold hard cash and even a fantastic vacation to Watercolor Resorts! Just really great people giving out really great stuff from a really great brand!
BUT – the giveaways that are about to be unleashed during the month of September will have you kicking and screaming with “GIMME’S” all the way to the happy farm!
How is THAT for a reason to LIKE Gotta Love Chevy Houston on Facebook and Follow @ChevyHouston on Twitter N O W! You do not want to miss out on a single one of the four giveaways coming up! Follow hashtags #ChevyGirls and #ChevyFun on Twitter for even more info and updates!
Now, you will have to live in or near Houston or in Texas to participate in most of these from me. But if you head over to #ChevyGirls on Twitter, you will find that a bunch of cities are involved in these campaigns! Plus, I KNOW that I have a lotta Texas readers so this is going to be just plain, kickin’ the 108 degree dirt, fun!
My lips are sealed with the deets but my eyes are shiny and bright with excitement because I get to bring all of this to you as a proud Chevy Girl!
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