We have all had it happen girls! The falling shirt straps, the headlights that we cross our arms to conceal and the V neck top that just won’t stay respectably closed! And though we try our best with safety pins and other homemade remedies, at least if you are like me, the fix is never good enough and the fashionably challenging clothing just stay on hangers!
Enter Go-Girl Fashion Fixes! Featured in Life & Style Magazine, on the E! Network and even on Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda, these products to help prevent clothing mishaps and more are taking the fashion world by storm! But even more than that, the website boasts great kits and buckets full of everything a girl would need to spoil herself rotten! From mani/ pedi kits that can make any gal get together pampering fun to the travel and emergency kits that can save the day, Go-Girl Fashion Fixes has thought of everything to keep us ladies tended to!
To celebrate the fantastic products, girl time and FUN, we are throwing the best of the best of Twitter Parties! Hosted by Go-Girl Fashion Fixes, the party boasts 5 GREAT prizes and FUN! RSVP below NOW and tell your friends!
Tweet the Party: Join us for the Go-Girl Fashion Fixes Twitter Party Aug 29, 2012 at 1pm EST PRIZES #GoGirlFashion –goo.gl/jCPzz
What: Go-Girl Fashion Fixes Twitter Party
When: August 29, 2012 1 – 2pm EST
Who: Follow your hosts @lomargie and @Makobiscribe and @gogirlfashion
Where: Twitter under hashtag #GoGirlFashion
How: RSVP below, tell your friends and mark your calendars! We will be giving away Chic Apparel Tape (Seen on E!), 2 packs of Lint on the go Sheets! (Seen on TV Guide Network ), an Emergency Kit by GO-GIRL (Seen in Star Mag), a Heal-a-Heel Moisture Socks (Fav of youtube gurus), and the Grand Prize of The Mani-Pedi kit!
BLOGGERS: Join the Go-Girl Affiliate Program and earn 25% on purchases + earn on referring fellow bloggers!
Please Read the #GOGIRLFASHION Twitter Party Legal Rules
Participants: Get Help with Twitter Parties with How to Attend a Twitter Party!
Have a product you want feature on a Twitter Party? See How ‘Twitter Parties Can Help Brand!
just tried to rsvp ad there is a red X next to name…..why am i getting a red x? if i hover over it it says “delete” any ideas why? am i in trouble? LOL