I love love love the Box Tops for Education program! If you have not heard of it, it is a GREAT program to help you raise funds for your school at no cost to you! I am sure you have seen them on General Mills products. Those colorful logos telling you how many Box Tops you can earn are all over the place! You can cut them out and hand them over to your school, earn them online and even earn them just by looking around and shopping on Walmart.com!
But my new favorite way to earn them is with JINGIT! Jingit is a tech start up company that allows you to earn cash from awesome companies like General Mills just for taking the time to let them know you shop for their products! But what makes this SO awesome right now is that you can earn 4 BONUS Box Tops just by using it to scan bar codes of participating General Mills products at Walmart!
Sound complicated?
It is SO not!
Walk with me here.
I went to Austin to visit my parents yesterday and dragged my poor, but very supportive, mother to Walmart to test this app! My sister is a HUGE supporter of Box Tops for Education so I wanted to show my mom how it worked. I left my sister at home with my 3 kids and her 2… all 8 and under. That is what she gets for taking my Barbie when I was 9!
Just kidding… sort of.
Never the less, my mom – who was not camera ready, unfortunately – and I were very excited to shop and earn and earn for my school using Jingit. I had already gone to the Walmart website and signed up for Jingit. It was SO SO easy! I just entered my info, chose my school and I was all set to go! I spent some time playing around on the Walmart.com website with the Jingit app. By doing this, I was already earning money before I even left for the store!
Next, I went to the iTunes store and downloaded the FREE Jingit app to my phone. Jingit works on iPhone and Droid phones with iOS. It took no time to download, sign in using Facebook and click the Check In button. Once the list of ‘Check in’ Items popped up, I could choose the items that I would buy anyway, scan the bar codes and earn REAL CASH! PLUS, I earned 4 BONUS Box Tops for my school, too!
Seriously, how cool is that? Especially since right now on select General Mills products, you can earn 4 Box Tops for Education! Yep -that is right! 4 Box Tops on selected products! So very cool!
See the entire easy process with my shop below:
1) Sign up for Jingit on Walmart.com.
2) Click the EARN NOW button, choose your school and start earning CASH by clicking and answering some really short questions!
3) Download Jingit to your phone or tablet.
4) Head to your local Walmart.
5) Check in using Jingit.
6) Choose the products from the list that you are buying anyway and follow the directions on scanning the barcode.
7) Earn 4 BONUS Box Tops for your school in addition to your cash just by scanning 4 participating items
8) Do this every time you go to Walmart or Walmart.com and watch your earnings and your school’s Box Tops add up
See? Easy, rewarding and it makes you feel good too! My sister’s school just got a NEW play area with earnings from Box Tops alone! So this is an amazing FREE way to help your schools! I am super excited about it and want to hand over the thickest Box Tops envelope ever when it comes time!
Get your kids involved too! My kids know the logo and help me cut out and keep the Box Tops for the school! We even have en envelope taped next to our Rules for School so that the kids can help me remember to collect them!
I really like this app a LOT! I get to earn some money to help with my grocery bill, earn Box Tops for Education for my school and help my kids learn that giving back is easy and fun!
I really want to hear what you think of Jingit! After you use it come back and share!
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Jingit #CBias #SocialFabric. All writings and opinions are my own. Please see my Disclosure Statement for more information.
Great job! I agree, it was so easy to do and the school’s get so much out of all the help. I love how Jingit might be the perfect way to get relatives involved (since there isn’t any clipping involved!) Great post.
How awesome that the school got a new playset JUST with Box Tops!!