When thinking of things that local charities and less fortunate families might need, light bulbs are probably not the first thing that come to mind.  However, they are essential for the safety, happiness and health of a family.

GE Lighting

This November, GE Lighting has teamed up with my favorite ‘get up and do it’ charity – Champions for Kids – and is asking you and me to collect and donate light bulbs to a worthy charity in our area.  I chose my local Boys and Girls Country since they have housing for families on the property and thus, must need light bulbs to keep them updated.  It was so simple and rewarding to do that I know anyone can help!

To help celebrate this great SIMPLE Service Project and get your ideas for the campaign, we are throwing an awesome #GELighting Twitter Party!  Come join in and talk about the importance of giving back, the need for essentials – like light bulbs – and more Friday, November 2, 2012 from 1 – 2pm EST!

We will be giving away (3) $25 Walmart Gift Cards and (1) one $100 Walmart Gift Card to a Grand Prize Winner!  You MUST RSVP to be eligible to WIN!!

Never participated in a Twitter Party?  Learn all about them: How to Attend a Twitter Party.  Are you a Brand or do you have a product you would like to have represented in a Twitter Party?  SeeHow Twitter Parties Can Help Brands

So mark your calendars, tell your friends and come join in the fun!

Join the #GELightingCFK Twitter party 11/2 @ 1PM EST. Conversation and fun & PRIZES! http://cbi.as/j8q4e #CBias

What:  GE Lighting Twitter Party

When:  November 2,  2012 1 – 2pm EST

Who:  Follow your hosts @lomargie and @outnumberedmama

Where:  Twitter under hashtag #GELightingCFK and on the Custom Tweetgrid

How:  RSVP below, tell your friends and mark your calendars!

We can’t wait to talk #GELightingCFK with you!

RSVP BELOW to Be Eligible for Prizes!

 Please see the #GELightingCFK Twitter Party Rules and Regulations before participating.

**I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Disney Consumer Products, Inc. #CBias #SocialFabric All opinions, photos and writings are mine.  Please see my Disclosure Statement for more information.**