Lori is a single work from home mom of three daughters, ages 11, 10 and 8. She has been the author of ADayinMotherhood.com for over 8 years and blogs because it is cheaper than therapy. She wants to connect with her readers through honest and engaging posts! Contact me for authentic posts, creative ideas and beautiful but real photos!
OH NO!!! That’s not good…
the doll got her hair snacked out? i hope lol
If only it were a doll… ;)
That I had LITERALLY been pulling my hair out ALL DAY and had NO idea!! There it sits! For all of the world to see! hahaha
ROFL!!!!! Love this!!!!!
Oh No, I hope someone didn’t find scissors and cut their beautiful hair!
Dun dun duuuunnnn…. ;D
That my child obviously snuck off with scissors and was walking around cutting their hair!!
LOL!!! Good one Traci! I’ll ship them home now if it’s ok with you! :)
Lol:) it could always be worse!!
Where’s the dog??????
HAHAHAA!! You made me choke on my Iced Coffee! LOVE! :D
My kids our home on a snowday and I’m out of wine!!!!
OMGosh!!! R O F L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!
Mommy you don’t need a coupon for the Salon I cut hair too.
LOL – at least there are skills being displayed, right?! :D
Getting a head start on the summer haircut!
Sooooo when do we get to see the end result?????