You make my heart sing, little one… “With your joyous laughter and mysterious ways of wrapping yourself around my finger ever so tightly; you have changed my world.” Father-daughter bonds are like no other bond, we want to share with you some quotes that will help you with just the right words to express that connection. These are our own thoughts and  father daughter quotes and we hope that you enjoy them.

father daughter quotes

“When I heard those words, ‘it’s a girl,’  my heart bounced off my chest walls with such elation, hope and pride!”

“As you grow up I find myself loving you for the truly selfless, wonderful little girl you are becoming; and I am overwhelmed with happiness to be a part of your life.”

“On this occasion, as I give your hand away, you should know that you will forever be ‘Daddy’s little girl’ and I have treasured each moment that brought us to this day.  A day when my heart both sings and cries for you.”

“When life turns around on a dime, my shoulder will be here for your joys, pains, sorrows and excitement.”

“May your heart always be filled with same pure love that you have brought into mine.”

“You danced on my feet when you were a little girl, and in that moment I saw this day coming… I am not so sure where all of those years went, but as I dance with you tonight, know that the tears in my eyes are a reflection of the sparkle I saw in yours so many years ago.”

“My sweet baby girl, you exemplify the meaning of adoration with every day that passes and I could not be any more proud that you call me “Daddy!”

“I remember hearing your little tiny feet sneaking up the hallway each morning in your barely awake state, your fluffy pink blanket and plush monkey in hand… those tiny foot prints are forever in my thoughts as we soon welcome the wee bundle that you will have in your home.  My greatest wish for you is that you will keep those easily forgotten memories tucked away for the days when those tiny feet all too soon grow out  of your home, but never your heart.”

“Days quickly turn in to months and years, and before I even realize, I know you will be waving at me from afar as you discover everything this world can offer.  May you always know that I cherish each day with you, even if I do not always express those words to you.”

“I may be out of my league when trying to dress shop or buy the perfect nail polish for you, but through my eyes I see I a little girl so full of wonder in a world where Daddy always knew best.”

“Loving you has always been one of the greatest and most unforgettable gifts afforded to me as your Dad.”

“You have always made me so proud of you, and on this day when I am uncertain of my feelings, the joy you exude swells my heart with enough love to last a lifetime.”

“I may have taught you how to fish, drive and even play the guitar; but you have taught me patience, kindness, gentleness and the value of precious memories.”

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