This is a sponsored post for Always. #Ad Always Live #LikeAGirl #EndPeriodPoverty
To help #EndPeriodPoverty, Always and Walmart are donating a year’s supply of period products to 50 teams in 50 states. In addition, for every purchase of a 3-pack box of Always Pads, Always will donate a pack to girls in need across the US. This donation will only be triggered via purchases from during the month of January.
Raising daughters can be challenging, especially as they age. Mine were fairly simple when they were little. I just had to make sure I didn’t lose one in a store. But I could dress them up, put bows in their hair, fix mac and cheese for a smile and put them to bed when I wanted them in bed. As they have grown into little ladies, now at 12, 11 and 9, my job is different.
Not only do I have to manage sibling rivalry, friends who may not treat them well and… boys... but I also have to make sure that I am providing all they need for their changing bodies. Period Poverty is a REAL thing and, though I am blessed to be able to provide the items my girls need, I am keenly aware that there are millions of girls out there – including some in my girls’ school – who sit out of school activities because they can’t afford something as simple as a pad. We can End Period Poverty easily. We really can.
Nearly 1 in 5 girls have missed activities because they can’t afford period protection. Let’s get her back in the action!
This January, Always and Walmart through ‘Always Live #LikeAGirl’ want to end the reality of girls missing out because they are on their period. I think, and they agree, that NO girl should sit on the sidelines of life just because their bodies are doing what mother nature intended.
The fact is, at puberty, girls’ confidence plummets. Having to miss activities because of lack of access to period products only makes this drop in confidence worse. These activities help build her confidence and skills, and missing out can limit a girl’s potential and opportunities far beyond puberty.
It’s easy to help. Go to to purchase a 3-pack box of Always Pads and Always will donate a pack to girls in need. It’s a win-win to help #EndPeriodPoverty – you stock up AND help a girl stay in the activity she loves.
My girls are very active. My oldest loves volleyball, basketball and jumping on the trampoline.
My girls are very active. My oldest loves volleyball, basketball and jumping on the trampoline. My middle daughter is a gymnast and my youngest is a soccer player. I cannot even imagine their shame and embarrassment at having to sit out because of their period. I already know that there are girls that use ‘parent notes’ a lot in gym and I wonder if they are one of the ones rolling up toilet paper as a pad because they cannot afford this necessity.
This is a problem we can solve. It is easy to do. Here are three easy ways YOU can help!
- Participate in the Always Live #LikeAGirl Donation Program – this is simple and it is delivered to your home. In a house with 4 women, this is invaluable for me!
- Send your daughter to school with extra pads. Teach her to discreetly ask if someone needs one and let her hand them out.
- Send extra supplies to the school office so that they have some to give any girls who wants one.
Raising daughters can be challenging but Period Poverty can GO AWAY! Girls can be confident and active all month long with no worries about embarrassing period days stopping them!
Do you have daughters? Are they active in sports and other activities?
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