Let’s face it, we all have a use for bottles.  Whether it be carrying a reusable water bottle to help reduce trash or bottling our favorite homemade salsa’s and other dips, we have bottles all over the house!


I use them to split up cleaning products in the bathrooms and store smaller amounts of juices and drinks to get them out of the large, takes up half my refrigerator, containers!

But getting bottles that you need, in the sizes and material you need, like glass bottles and plastic bottles, can be hard.  Especially is you need a lot for canning or handing out gifts to friends and neighbors.


Recently, I was turned on to eBottles.com.  A website with every type of bottle that you can imagine.  From ribbed plastic bottles for water to oil bottles for your kitchen to bottles for your homemade salad dressings, eBottles.com has them all.  And when you purchase bulk from this wholesale store, you also get a discount per order!

I am trying to get my girls lined up for the summer.  I can’t really afford to take them anywhere so I am planning on making it a craft summer again!  So I want to hit the craft store and get them colors and markers and stickers and paint and such.  But I need a better place to store them than in a bag that they can all go through.

So I was thinking of these cute little jars to put things in.  I can put everything from those little eyelets for their animals to the pom poms for fun to glue sticks and more.  And I can screw the top on, stack them up, and have whichever craft item I need ready, neatly, in one place should they need them!


I love this idea and as I scour the site, I have even more!

What recipes, crafts or organizational needs do you have that eBottles.com can help you with?  I bet you can find something to help you at prices better than you find in the stores!

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