Dry skin has been a lifelong battle for me. When I was a teenager it was so bad that my mother had to take me to a doctor to get prescription cream. My skin was red and rough and I would sometimes scratch it until it bled. As I have aged, I continue to deal with dry skin. I try products and they work for a little while but then it is back. One of the biggest challenges with my dry skin is first, finding a product that works and secondly, remembering to put it on. A few weeks ago I was introduced to Curél Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer. It solves both of my problems at one and I really do love it. It is different and it feels different. It can really help Get Your Dry Skin Under Control.
The real difference I love is that this is moisturizer that you put on wet skin. So, at the end of my shower, while I am still all warm and feeling great, I turn my shower off, staying in it and apply Curél Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer. As you can see in the info-graphic below – which was created from the 40 bloggers surveyed, myself included! – 68% of us prefer to put on moisturizers out of the shower. But Curél Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer works before you even towel off!
The ceramide complex in Curél Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer is activated by water on clean, freshly showered skin. It penetrates deeply to heal dryness that can hamper your smoothest skin.
I love that it absorbs immediately and that I can go from putting on the lotion to toweling off and dressing seamlessly.
I have been using Curél Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer for a few weeks now on my driest skin, which is on my upper arms. In fact, 20% of surveyed bloggers reported that their arms were the second driest on their body, followed by legs and the entire body!
When the moisturizer goes on, it absorbs quickly and feels great. I can feel it absorbing and I absolutely love the lightness of it. My skin is definitely benefiting as I am seeing less dry patches and feeling more confident wearing shorter sleeves!
If you are like the many bloggers surveyed, and me, your dry skin can hamper your lifestyle. I know I cover my upper arms and am embarrassed when I have a flare-up. But Curél Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer is helping and I know it will help you too!
Pick up Curél Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer at your local retailer.
What part of your body has the driest skin? Tell me in the comments for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card!
Entry Instructions:
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You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
1. Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
2. Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: “#Sweeps” and “#SweepstakesEntry”; and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
3. Blog about this promotion, including a disclosure that you are receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post, and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older (or nineteen (19) years of age or older in Alabama and Nebraska). Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. The notification email will come directly from BlogHer via the sweeps@blogher email address. You will have 2 business days to respond; otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 3/2-3/31
Be sure to visit the brand page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ posts!
My face always dries out first
i too get driest on my arms….my legs too, in the summer! this sounds like a refreshing soothing product
My shins always look dry the most.
My hands and arms – I struggle with dry skin too!!
My hands always need lotion since I have dry skin.
My legs get the driest.
My face followed by legs
What part of your body has the driest skin? My thighs. I do not know why, but the top of my thighs are always dry. The only thing that seems to work for me is coconut oil. Have not tried curel though.
My legs are the most driest part with Visible cracked skin. I am excited to try Curel HydraTherapy! Thanks for sharing & bringing this product to our attention :)
Tweet. :)
I have never had this problem before this winter. My knuckles are so dry they are like sand paper. Nothing has worked so far, I need to try this.
All of my skin is dry. It’s terrible! The backs of my upper arms and my thighs are pretty bad. My scalp is really bad too but this will get better in the summer.
My arms and legs are the driest! I need to try this out for :)
I get dry skin like crazy in random spots but always seem to scratch myself silly. I’ve tried a lot of products but they only mask the issue. I guess with fibro, I am more sensitive to the itch with the nerve thing but would love to win to ease the dryness so that I don’t create any more bruises. Thank you for the chance!
My elbows seem to get dry the most.
This looks like a great product. My driest areas are the knees and lower legs, doesn’t matter how much I moisturizer!,
My hands and feet are extremely dry
My elbows are the driest part of my body. Always moisturizing them.
My hands have the driest skin.
The driest part of my body is my legs. They get so dry in the winter time.
my legs have the driest skin on my badly and it is really hard to keep them from flaking and itching, especially during the winter months.
My hands get so dry in the winter!
My elbows are very dry.
My hands get VERY dry! My skin cracks regularly on my hands due to dryness.
tweet – https://twitter.com/yarbr012/status/837738131738738692
My feet! When we run the heat all the time in the winter, my feet start peel! Yikes.
My feet have the driest skin. I seem to be able to keep most areas moisturized, but my feet are a mess!
My legs and hands start he driest part of my body!
I tweeted
my hands get dry skin most often
My feet are always really dry especially in the winter.
My tweet https://twitter.com/Christy41970/status/837810156348063746
My feet and elbows get the driest skin.
I tweeted – https://twitter.com/lauralynnrose/status/837818905443909633
The driest part of my body are my arms and elbows.
I tweeted giveaway at https://twitter.com/flipper211/status/837822250820775939
My hands get the driest.
tweet: https://twitter.com/BoutiqueOfLuck/status/837845229050933249
My feet and legs are so dry!
My legs are the driest, especially during the winter.
My elbows and knees get the most dry
groogruxking40 @ gmail dot com
tweet- https://twitter.com/groogruxking40/status/837850413818851328
My hands are the dryest.
My kegs suffer the most.
legs I mean.
My elbows and knees are the dryest part of my body
My face and hands always get the driest. Curel Hydra Therapy has been amazing at soothing and moisturizing my skin, and restoring it back to health.
Tweeted about the article:
Im a type 2 diabetic so my skin is really dry. My feet are the worst. I’ve always heard how good Curel works. I haven’t tried it yet. I’d like to definitely. Thank you for the chance ?
I tweeted
My hands are by far the driest skin on my body.
My arms and back are the driest on me.
Oh my goodness my feet are the driest part of my body for sure!
I tweeted
The driest skin is on my legs and elbows. Would love to try this.
Thank you!
In the winter my face and legs dry out
The part of my body that has the driest skin is my legs.
My hands are the worst I have to watch for cracking.
I tweeted about this promotion. https://twitter.com/PJGurganus/status/838020036728082432
My hands and feet are affected the most by dry skin! I sure could use some Curél Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer!
My public tweet: https://twitter.com/LoveTrishaXoXo/status/838029649271730176
my legs are the dry
My knees and elbows are the driest parts of my body and it is very uncomfortable.
I tweeted the giveaway https://twitter.com/upstatmissy2/status/838055938137473024
My hands and feet always get really dry.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/MrsMChappell/status/838064230913945602
My legs always seem to have the driest skin.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/slr8/status/838082637864570881
My elbows have the driest skin.
My feet are always the driest.
My hands are terribly dry, looking like scaled skin…I HATE IT! Makes my hands look older than I really am.
I always need to put lotion on my hands as I can’t stand if they feel dry.
Here’s my tweet about this contest: https://twitter.com/kymom13/status/838105482359410689
My face is constantly in a battle with dry skin.
would love to try some new lotions to relieve my dry skin.
The driest skin is on my legs and face.
My ringers always get dry.i also shared this post on Facebook for you
my elbows get super dry
My legs are the driest part of my body
My legs are the worst for being dry. My hands and arms get very dry, too.
My elbows and knees are always dry in the Winter.
my legs and ankles get itchy and white patches if i don’t use lotion
My legs are super dry I use tons of lotion on them.
my tweet – https://twitter.com/myway070/status/838155993137602560
My hands.
My legs and my feet are the worse in the Winter!!
My legs are all dry and wrinkled, especially in the winter. This product will help.
My hands and feet are dry
I always mositurize before bedtime to keep my hands from drying.
My legs and feet are the driest.
My elbows and legs are my driest parts of my body!
My legs are the driest from all the shaving.
My hands! I wash them constantly because of my two little boys :)
My hands are always the driest because of the frequent washing they get.
My hands always seem to get dry.
My elbows are always very dry.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
tweet- https://twitter.com/tcarolinep/status/838226562600202240
My legs always have the driest skin!
My hands seem to be driest. I guess it’s all of the uses that I put them to.
I could use some lotion, my skin is always dry.
My arms and legs are the driest1 .
here my – https://twitter.com/RenaldDeb/status/838246286981746689
back of my hands in the winter
My feet are the first to dry out and sadly it doesn’t take long. I’ve taken to putting on a layer of petroleum jelly and then some plush socks when I initially get out of the shower because it seems like with other lotions, my skin is like a desert. A few hours later, I’ll grab the lotion and that double whammy treatment helps more that just one product.
My hands have the driest skin (probably because they’re in water so often!)
Tweet! https://twitter.com/lexiquin/status/838260280329125888
My feet are always dry.
My feet have the driest skin
My legs always get dry skin in the winter first. This sounds like a product I would use. Thanks
I like to use Curel products after I shower.
My hands get dry in winter
Our elbows are always dry, thank you for the offer. I love the way you write, thanks!!! charnicwil is my Twitter
At my age dry skin is a problem. I have tried many products and would like to try something new. I understand this brand is very good.
It depends on the season but right now it’s my hands. I run every morning and the only part of me that’s exposed is my hands (because of the cold) so that might be the reason. :)
it’s a tie between my face and my feet (not the bottom…up near the bottom of my legs). The face is definitely dry and those ankles are really dry too.
My hands are always the driest part of my body.
The driest parts are my hands and feet
This winter it has been my feet and my face!
my legs!
My arms, and legs are always has the driest skin no matter what I use.
Tweeted https://twitter.com/TamaraBenningto/status/838444470249091077
The part of my body that has the driest skin is definitely my hands.
my legs dry out fast, usually around my shins
My legs and feet are the dryest parts,
My hands are always so dry. I work in the healthcare industry and I am constantly washing my hands. They are beyond dry!
My legs are dry and this cream will do wonders for me!
It is so dry out this time of year. I hope this works.
My arms and legs dry out the most. I really like this product
My hands stay so dry! Probably from washing them so much.
The knuckles on my right hand are the area I have to consistently moisturize.
I just can’t seem to keep enough moisturizer on my feet – they’re so dry!! Thanks for the chance to win! :)
My hands are always dry!
My hands are the driest.
My elbows get really dry and always are needing lotion.
The backs of my arms get really dried out.
My ribs right by my bra line. They get scaly dry sometimes, It’s not attractive or comfortable.
My legs, arms and feet get dry. I actually love this Curel and keep it at my desk at work for my hands after washing.
My arms and back get super dry in the winter!
My hands are extremely dry. I have been using Curel for a while now and its amazing stuff. Nothing ever works on me and this stuff does. Love it!!
My legs are always dry
My hands! I’m so guilty of washing dishes in scalding hot water without gloves and never properly moisturizing them, even though I have a million mini lotion bottles around the house.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
my hands are always dry and are in need of moisturizer always
My arms always dry out first
yay fingers crossed https://twitter.com/shalubna/status/838544175998066688
My legs flake in the winter.
My legs and feet
My legs and arms get dried out so quickly! Additionally I live in Colorado where the air dries your skin out even faster than usual!
My arms are the driest. They are always covered in flaking skin and the flakes come off and land everywhere. Very embarrassing!
My arms…especially my elbows are the driest.
Arms…..especially my elbows
My lower legs are the driest part on my body–drives me nuts!
My legs and feet are the worst! If I don’t put lotion on my legs they get really itchy.
I Tweeted- https://twitter.com/elw484/status/838613462708334595
For some reason my knees always tend to have the driest spots on my body
Link to tweet https://twitter.com/mizzamie6/status/838628516161703936
My hands, legs, and feet are always the driest parts of my body.
My legs and arms are the worst during the winter months my skin is so dry…..
https://twitter.com/amylynn5973/status/838691328330444800 shared on twitter
my hands have the driest skin
my feet are so dry that they crack sometimes,,i have a hard time keeping them in good shape
My skin is always very dry during the winter. may have to try this!
My face
My arms and elbows are always in need of extra moisturizer. In the summer time, my knees too!
My skin gets excessively dry in the winter, especially my legs.
Twitter Status https://twitter.com/kaflickinger74/status/838820629142994944
Here is my tweet! Thank you and good luck to all!
I get dry skin on my arms and legs, especially in the winter months. I love Curel products!
My hands always seem to be the most dry, especially in the winter.
Link to my tweet: https://twitter.com/Darla412/status/838841362132910080
Curel is the best brand out there!
My legs are always dry! I have to keep them moistuized all the time!
I tweeted https://twitter.com/YoderDebbie/status/838855882561703936
Sent a tweet.
My hands have the driest skin by far.
Probably my hands. but I don’t really get a lot of dry skin.
Definitely my hands are the driest.
My ankles
My hands and feet tend to get dry the fastest!
my legs are my driest part of my skin
My legs tend to be the driest
Thanks for the chance
Right now the skin on my hands is the driest from washing all the time.
My hands are driest.
My hands are the worst. Do a lot of gardening and even with gloves my hands dry out.
The back of my knees can get really dry during the winter.
my shins are the worst.
My hands and my feet are always dry! During the summer my legs get very dry due to all the swimming in the pool and ocean. During the winter my elbows get very dry.
My hands and my elbows are the driest part of my body. Other areas dry out also though.
The back of my hands are very dry. Very strange ..
I love to cook so I am always washing my hands. My skin easily gets dried out on my hands.
My hands are terrible in the winter.
My legs get so dry! They become red, itchy and irritated!
I would say my hands are the driest!
My face and hands seem to get dry the fastest.
Here is my tweet about the sweeps:
My hands are driest.
My legs around my knees.
My legs, arms and hands are the driest
My elbows have the driest skin. Thanks for the giveaway!
My hands have the driest skin right now.
I hate winter. No matter how hard I try, I can’t keep my arms from drying out in the winter. Summer it is my hands from tha gardening and washing them so often, winter… always my arms.
I get the driest on my shins. Thanks for the giveaway.
My knees are always the driest part of my body.
I think it’s a toss up between my hands and my legs for where my skin is the driest…definitely looking forward to trying Curél Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer!
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/krisgan07/status/839647093828505600
Definitely my arms, especially around my shoulders and elbows tend to get very dry. Winter is the worst time of year for it.
I’d say that my upper arms and hands have the driest skin.
Tweet link: https://twitter.com/shala_darkstone/status/839818873390129152
Thanks, had no idea this was on the market. My elbows and knees always need help.
My feet, legs and arms are particularly dry. I have to moisturize often or else I get dry and itchy.
My hands are always dry. I moisturize every time I wash my hands.
My hands are always dry
My arms get really dry!
Like you, my biggest dry-skin area is my arms, but for me, it’s mostly my forearms. Generally, I dislike the greasy feeling lotions leave behind, but this in-shower moisturizer from Curel might be a good solution for me. Thanks!
I shared your blog post and the Curel promotion on Twitter:
My legs and arms ae always the driest.
Driest part of my body would definitely be lips, but I also get dry, cracked feet..and elbows!
My feet are terribly dry
My legs dry out so bad, that I too scratch till they bleed.
My legs dry out the most and then they end up bleeding.
Tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/flyergal82/status/840998508081664008
My legs are dry and scaly.
My biggest problem with dry skin is my heels.
I’m always battling it.
thank you
Tweet https://twitter.com/JalapenoMama/status/841009376982786049
My right hand because I keep it exposed to the elements.
My legs are the worst. Thank you
Dry skin on my arms
my hands and feet are the driest
I normally don’t have dry skin, but this winter it’s been terrible.
My hands and ankles are the driest!
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/adarst213/status/842823921502228480
My hands always get dry so bad.
The bottom of my feet, which is annoying to no end. The good side of that is that they are less smelly when they are dry. But when I am scared they get a little moist. I don’t know if it is from activation of the fight or flight system or the heat generated in my shoes due to the friction from my accelerated running. either way, it does my feet good to be moisturized at the end of the day.
I tweeted : https://twitter.com/monica_shah/status/843076581857939457
Thanks for awesome giveaway!!! My hands and elbows and side sides of my nose get sooo dry!! I LOVE Arbus cruel lotion i use it EVERY single day! I have a travel size for my bag and a big one on my kitchen counter. My elbows are cracked and dry and my nose the skin got so bad this winter it was peeling off..my hands I can’t begin to tell u how dry they get! This lotion is AMAZING!!!! I got a sample of it and I was hooked! I had to buy more! I can’t live without it now!
Twitter share!
My hands are always dry, more so in the winter months. I used to get really dry elbows, but seem to have done away with that problem. I normally apply lotion to my hands before bedtime and it seems to help.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/FireRunner2379/status/843155276299669504.
I would have to say my legs and feet.
My legs are always the driest. So dry they hurt! Guess I need Hydra Therapy :)
tweeted – https://twitter.com/dmarie824/status/843568627244814337
the elbows
My hands are the driest past of my body.
My feet and legs always have the driest skin! I need to moisturize more!
tweet: https://twitter.com/Twenteries/status/844244869874774016
My hands are feet are the driest parts of my body
My face is the driest especially around my mouth and lips
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/rosannepm/status/844412330859515904
My hands and fingers have been getting really chapped. My own fault for not wearing gloves I suppose lol.
My feet and legs seem to be the driest, but this might be partially because I am much more apt to put moisturizer on my hands and arms throughout the day.
My elbows are the driest.
My other half has dry skin, especially in winter.
My arms and legs are always the driest.
My elbows are always the driest!
my face and neck, hands are the driest!
My arms and legs get the driest!
tweeted – https://twitter.com/LAMusing/status/845760411903246336
My heels
Definitely, my elbows, knees and feet are the driest and need a little extra moisturizer.
I also tweeted: https://twitter.com/sarabird26/status/846109856708939776
My face is always the dryist. I use aquaphor.but would like to try this.
it is my legs
My feet are the driest.
My arms and legs are the driest.
Tweeted https://twitter.com/GabyMargutti/status/846403363105320960
My heels are always the driest, and if I don’t take care of them they’ll crack.
I tweeted about the giveaway @ https://twitter.com/ASunshineBride/status/846520343665786880
Thank you for the great review & giveaway!
My hands have the driest skin.
My skin is the driest on my arms.
My hands get dry and my cuticles crack and peel due to dry skin… ouch!
My elbows and my nose are horribly dry. Thanks.
My legs get really dry.
My feet are always the driest.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/846946596445147137
My elbows always dry out the most.
My elbows are the driest. I have to constantly moisturize them.
My legs.
My elbows are always dry.
My elbows!
My tweet: https://twitter.com/sentirevivo/status/847145707769253888
My legs and feet always seem the driest.
My legs and arms get very dry skin.
Here is my share on Twitter
My hands get very dry.
My hands get extremely dry.
Here is the link to my Tiwtter share –
My back tends to get the driest skin. I guess maybe since I have a hard time reaching all the spots with lotion, it gets neglected. Also, i tend to get eczema on my back in spots/
My hands are the dry spot on my skin
Tweet at https://twitter.com/vranasweep/status/847245532674142209
What part of your body has the driest skin? Definitely my hands and my arms! Thanks and God Bless!
Also, I tweeted about this great giveaway here:
Thanks and God Bless!
My calves and feet are the driest areas for me.
My feet has dry skin.
My legs get so dry in the winter!! Drives me nuts!
I tweeted – https://twitter.com/ClairFreebie/status/847369149231661057
My face gets dry really bad. But mostly my Elbows and knees are worse.
My feet are always really dry and need extra moisturizing.
my Feet and face are the worst! My son also has really bad eczema and we are trying to find the best product to help him out!
Tweeted on twitter https://twitter.com/CarissaJoslyn2/status/847451807022329856
i posted a tweet here:
i have dry skin on my face, elbows and feet
I don’t see the link but I suppose that this was it
My face and hands need the most attention. Skin gets dry so fast.
This is a great moisturizer.I love it.
My hands tend to be the driest part.
The worst is my hand area, I’m constantly doing dishes and washing vegetables, so I forget to moisturize that area and it’s always dry!
tweeted https://twitter.com/go2kauai/status/847610899401646080
My feet are the driest.
My arms and hands are always dry.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/tinawoo21/status/847680078066499585
My knees have suddenly become like rasps. This stuff might run the other way!
My elbows get very dry.
My poor feet are the driest feet in the world!
My shins and feet have the driest skin.
Thanks for the contest.
My neck has the driest skin.
My feet are the driest! I try to cream them but it never helps!
It is a toss up between my face and my elbows to where the skin is the driest.
the dried part of my body is my feet