**I received a gift in exchange for sharing this information with your about Breast Cancer Awareness bouquet from Teleflora. All opinions are my own.** #Teleflora
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and stores will have every pink product ready ™for purchase. When you buy the pink items, a portion of that purchase price goes to breast cancer research. But did you know that when you purchase Teleflora’s Pink Grace bouquet in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, they donate 15% of the proceeds ALL YEAR ROUND? Anytime you purchase this stunning arrangement, Telefora donates 15% of the purchase price from each sale to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, not only in the month of October, but all year-round. I love that so when they asked me if I wanted a bouquet so that I could report on it’s beauty, I immediately said yes!
Breast Cancer has touched the women I know all too often. You all know about my sweet neighbor who successfully battled it a few years ago. The woman behind me also battled it years ago and won. However, too many do not win and, even with early detection, the disease is devastating for any woman to hear. So research is still needed to find a cure so that no woman has to go through the fear and pain of treatment.
When I saw this beautiful arrangement in its lovely pink vase, roses and carnation and shades of pink everywhere, I knew that my friend deserved some beauty in her home too. So the girls and I delivered it to her. She was having a particularly hard day as her friend, who is fighting pancreatic cancer, has taken a turn for the worse. I hugged her, handed her the flowers and saw a grateful smile as she inhaled the beauty. It was a bright spot in a very dark day.
Whether your mom, sister, grandmother or friend is a survivor, battling it now or is just affected by Breat Cancer in any way, consider sending her Teleflora’s Pink Grace bouquet. Not only will she receive a beauty symbol of your support and love but anytime you order one, all year long, you also donate 15% to Breaast Cancer Awareness research.
Who do you know that has been affected by breast cancer? Share your story with me!
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