This conversation about How to Bloom this Valentine’s Day with Teleflora is brought to you by Teleflora. All opinions are my own. #LoveOutLoud #Teleflora AD
SAVE $16,99 on Your Bouquet NOW!
It’s almost here! Valentine’s Day! This is the time to take a moment to order online or to pick up the phone for your perfect Valentine Bouquet! More than the quick flowers at the store that have no meaning or style, Telefora works hard with your local florist to make your Valentine smile all week long! I was lucky enough to get a Teleflora Red Haute Bouquet and it has brought color and beauty to my home for weeks now!
I love the flowers. A mix of roses, carnations and so much more make this bouquet the perfect addition to any home. You never get tired of looking at it and the aroma filters through the air with love.
The lovely vase is adorned with a delicate silver heart that hangs below reminding the recipient that your heart is secure with them!
I am a single gal but there are so many people that I love in my life that would love the beautiful Valentine’s Day bouquets from Teleflora. From my parents to my besties, there are as many to brag about as their are options for your loves!
Order NOW and get your specialize bouquet sent to the ones you appreciate and love in your life in time for Valentine’s Day! Since Teleflora works with your local florist, the bouquets are hand delivered for that more special touch!
Check out the entire selection now and start taking advantage of the deals that will get those flowers to the ones you love in no time!
Which Valentine’s Day Bouquet do you love most on the Teleflora website? Who do you love that would love one too?
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