My kids tell me I’m the best mom in the world.  And every time I hear it, I am overwhelmed with joy that they feel that way.

And then I feel bad.  Because I know that sometimes I am not.

Sometimes I am too busy to stop everything and read countless books, them curled in my lap, sweet heads resting on my chest, pages flipping as I snuggle and try to get all three within my arm span.

The Best Mom

Sometimes I don’t feel like it when I have picked up a room for the fiftieth time only to have them converge on it and restore it to the cluttered mess it was before.  I am impatient, frustrated and harsh.

Sometimes I don’t feel like it when I have to put their crying eyes in a corner, take away a toy or scold them for talking back.  When discipline takes the place of a hug.

Sometimes I don’t feel like the best mom in the world when a phone call comes in that I have to take, a deadline looms near or the dishes have to be done and they just want me to come push them on the swing.

Sometimes I don’t feel like it when they talk about daddy’s girlfriend and how pretty she is and how much fun they have with her. Am I too?

And sometimes I have to stop.  I have to realize that God gave me these children to love, teach, discipline, nurture and grow with for the rest of our lives.  And no matter how many time outs, how many toys are taken away, how many sharp words and how many people that they meet….  I will always be their mother.

I will always love them.  Put them first.  Think of them above myself.  Adore them above all but God.

And then I will realize that maybe…. just maybe… to them, I AM the best mom in the world. No matter what.  No matter when.  No matter who.

Because, really, if it were not for them…

I would not be a mom at all.

And being their mom is the best feeling in the World.

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