Sarah is a jewel. A unique, special, gem of a child. She is sweet, loving, a little too smart for her own good, and just downright a blessing to have as a daughter.
She also makes a stubborn mule look like a docile, submissive kitty cat.
The child will hold out on anything at all if she wants it a certain way for decades. Yes, I know she is 3 – almost 4 – but it feels like decades sometimes. Painstaking, fighting to teach her why something needs to be a certain way, decades.
For instance, we are having serious issues with her wetting her pants. And when I say serious, I mean it.
She will stand in front of me and just pee. Right in her pants, right on my floor, not even a hint of interest in getting to the bathroom at all. She wets at least 6 pairs of underwear a day and even does the “stinky” in them too. And at 2, she voluntarily potty trained herself in about a week.
We never had any issues with her having accidents like this until she was almost 3. And then something happened… I don’t know if it was our move, or if something medical is going on, or if she is just using this as an element of control. Whatever it is, it is now starting to cause some serious issues.
Preschool started this week. Now, in the 2’s class last year they did not worry too much about accidents. But in the 3’s class, I can tell that it might be trying on the teachers to keep changing her. She is almost 4 after all.
Monday they took the kids to the bathroom 5 times in 6 hours. They thought Sarah went every time. But when she saw me at pick up she peed, right in her pants and soaked herself through. I changed her and put her in a Pull Up. By the time we got home, she had soaked it so much it was leaking. I put another one on her after she wet 2 pairs of underwear and she soaked that one in less than an hour.
Tuesday was a normal wet in all of your panties day.
Wednesday, she went to school, they watched her and she went to the bathroom all 5 times and then right before I got there, she wet and they had to change her.
Now I am starting to wonder if she has some sort of medical condition I need to take her in for. Like maybe she has developed an inability to know when she has to go until it is too late. She does all of a sudden bend over like she has to go right before she wets. She almost looks like she is in pain. And then sometimes, she’ll do that until the feeling passes and then get right back up and play.
When I ask through out the day if she needs to go, or I see her in that all telling hunch, she starts crying when I take her to the bathroom. And then she won’t go and then wets.
So, I am reaching out and asking you guys! What is going on with her? Is this just plain stubborness and an attempt to control on her part? Or could it be medical? And if it is… what is it?
Thank you!
It sounds like a UTI so yes go to the Dr. However if it from the way you tell it she is only doing in in front of you then it can be stress again go to the Dr.
Would she have a UTI for a year though? I do think I am leaning towards a Drs appt and soon! Thank you!
I am not a mom and have not raised a child but it sounds like the first step is a dr’s appointment to rule out anything medical. is it just you that she does this with? does she do it with dad, or grandma/grandpa, etc? Hope you find a solution!
I think it is to that point… Dr first,, discipline later… sigh Thank You!
Aw. Poor little thing :(
I KNOW! I feel terrible for her!!!
Definitely take her to the doctor. Something is going on. Have you had the good touch, bad touch talk with her?
I actually have because that thought definitely entered my mind. But except for Preschool, she is always with me. We don’t have sitters and outside help. And any time I ask her anything she looks confused and does not know what I am talking about… I am setting a Drs appt for her today!
My 3 year old does the same thing!! Not as severe as your case, but the last two weeks she will just jump up and say ” I have to pee!” then wet herself, then cries. I was wondering what could be causing her to go backwards like that, let me know how it works out. I’ve been putting my little one on the potty 1 time every hour until she does go..seems to be helping.
Hmmmmm…. I wonder what it is…
My oldest had this problem. It was around the same age. His dad had cancer and was very ill at the time. We were told by a couple of different child psychologists that he was doing it because he felt completely out of control, but this was the ONE thing that he had 100% control over. When my husband stabilized, the bathroom problem went away. Maybe you could consider just sticking her in pull-ups (or use plastic pants over her panties) for a while and not make a big deal of it? I’m guessing the move might have her feeling out of control some.
My little one id getting close to 3 and it seems like the more he knows I want him to do something, the more he does the opposite. UGH!
peeing like that could be a UT… friends daughter had one and well her mother didnt keep up on it and it dragged out longer then it shoulda and she kept peeing herself when shes potty trained well!
i know the feeling of them saying nuttin n just peeing i have a 2 1/2yr daughter and well i wanna train her but she has no interest…i put her in a cloth train pant and kept checking n asking her and nuttin lil while later i grab her to check yup she peed didnt say a word was just playing like it was nothing…i ask he if she wants to sot on potty she say no i dont want to and starts getting mad and crying =( hubby keeps getting into it with me asking when im gonna train her like i aint been trying…im not gonna grab her n force her to sit on the toilet and make her hate the thing…