I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Aflac. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

I am now a single mom with no major medical insurance.  That happens in a divorce when the mom works from home.  It is a scary place to be.  Especially when an unexpected doctor’s visit for my yesterday cost $172.  For a 15 minute appointment.   And if I had needed a follow up, it would be just as much.


But until I can afford the major medical I need, I will be forced to pay the ridiculous costs of healthcare.

Recently, however, I have found out that even without major medical, I can get supplemental insurance through Aflac!  For a fraction of what major medical costs.  We are talking paying $31 a month as opposed to $300 or more.  Now, this insurance won’t replace major medical at all, but it will help with the bill if I have to go in again.

And when I get my major medical, I will be able to use it to offset the out of pocket costs that I will have to pay as well.

My other interest in the supplemental insurance from Aflac is the out of pocket expenses for my kids.  They have major medical through their dad but the out of pocket is still taxing on my budget.  And if they have an accident or something that takes them to the emergency room, my out of pocket might just eat the grocery budget for the month.

With Aflac, I could get the cash I need to cover out of pocket expenses.  And a policy for mom covers the kids too!  So, basically, in addition to your major medical, you can pay a small amount per month and get cash you need to help offset out of pocket expenses!  And we all need help with emergencies sometimes!

Check out how much this insurance can save you with the REAL COST CALCULATOR.


Check out all of Aflac’s supplemental plans-  like the Cancer rider, accident rider and more.  I know you will, as I have, see the benefits of supplemental insurance no matter what your medical coverage is!

Learn more about Aflac and the plans they offer on the Aflac Website today!

**I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Aflac. I received a promotional item to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.  All writings are my own.  Please see my Disclosure Statement for more information.**