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#AmazonCart #cbias

Sometimes social media allows us to do really cool things. But being able to add items to Amazon from Twitter with new #AmazonCart to purchase at a later time is just genius! I can not tell you how many times I see something on Twitter on my phone or tablet and think, ‘That is so cool!‘ But, I am aware enough to admit, my laziness stops me from opening my Amazon app, typing in my password, hunting down the product and purchasing it. I just figure I might remember it next time I am in Amazon.

Find a Product on Twitter, Use #AmazonPrime and It Goes to your Amazon Account! #AmazonPrime #cbias #shop

I never do. My memory is horrible.

A few weeks or so ago I was toodling around Twitter talking to various people and I saw an announcement that Amazon and Twitter were teaming up to make life a little easier for those of us who are memory challenged! Independently, I love Amazon. I order almost all of my paper products and cleaning supplies from them. With my Amazon Prime account, I get everything shipped for free. I don’t have to meet the minimum shipping with the Prime account and I even get discounts on stuff I need as a mom with the account. Add additional savings to the subscriptions I have and I make back the money the Prime account costs in no time.

Find a Product on Twitter, Use #AmazonPrime and It Goes to your Amazon Account! #AmazonPrime #cbias #shop

But, back to the Coolest Thing Ever! #AmazonCart

See how easy it is with the video below:

One of the great joys of motherhood is ‘window shopping’ with my girls. We often gather around the computer before birthday’s and holidays and look for fun and exciting things they – or a friend of theirs – might like. With the end of the year coming and summer in Texas sure to beat us with the heat, I wanted to get some new movies for the girls. So I gathered them around and opened the @Amazon feed on Twitter. There I can see the daily deals, things others have purchased and more!

Find a Product on Twitter, Use #AmazonPrime and It Goes to your Amazon Account! #AmazonPrime #cbias #shop

Sure enough, in no time, we found the Complete Set of Scooby Doo Movies on sale! Well, I could not even scroll down to look for more awesome items because the girls went nuts! So I replied to the tweet, #AmazonPrime and instantly got a tweet that the item was in my Amazon Cart. Sure enough, in less than a minute, it was there and ready for me to purchase! Honestly, I could not have been MORE impressed!Find a Product on Twitter, Use #AmazonPrime and It Goes to your Amazon Account! #AmazonPrime #cbias #shop

Check out my VINE video below to see how easy it was!

There are SO MANY reasons why the new partnership between Amazon and Twitter are so cool! For this busy single mom of three who spends a ton of time online working and searching for things she needs in her home, it is a time saver and memory enhancer!

Try it now! Check out the Amazon on Twitter, find what you want now OR later and get it into your cart with a simple hashtag! Come back and tell me what you got!

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