I was looking at the girls baby pictures today. Getting lost in their tiny toes, half done yawns, and baby smiles was something I needed. It had been a rough morning. Complete with non stop whining, an overly tired mother, and a desire to run back to girl’s weekend and make it last another week.
I got to thinking as I lightly touched the pictures of their baby cheeks, chubby fingers, and conjured up the feeling of holding a tiny baby, what happened?
What happened to these sweet, smiling, loving babies who wanted nothing more than to laugh and play, reaching for their mommy for snuggles and kisses?
What happened that turned them into demanding, sassy, disrespectful little girls? Where stomping of feet and slamming of doors is par for the course and smiles and hugs sometimes seem strangely like a manipulative move?
How did it come to this? Where they pin each other down to take a toy and knock each other down because they want to get out of the door first? Or throw a fit in the store because they want the pink yogurt and it is all sold out?
The only rational reason I can come up with for their personality disorders is that they were all raised by me. Now, I am not saying I am a bad mother or anything, but I am the common thread that links them all together. So how can I not take personal offense when my 3 year old comes up and tries to kick me because she wants me to push her on the swing for another hour and all I want to do is go pee?
Prompting the inevitable question… where did I go wrong? How did I, the person they spend 85% of their time with, create these little diva monsters? I can’t blame nature because they were born pure and sweet. They were not born with a mean bone in their bodies, right?
And I know other kids have issues but mine seem to be a little over the edge! Of course, I could always blame that on the fact that mine are all so close together. But other mothers have kids close together and theirs don’t seem to be as nutty as mine!
Adding to the self – evaluation as a caretaker, I don’t know how to undo what has been done! Or at least I don’t think I do. Time out stops the actions for a moment but I do not think I have managed to break one single bad habit in my girls.
Katie still bites her nails, Sarah still whines from sun up to sun down, and Megan – my sweet, thought I was doing it right, lovable baby, is starting to fight and hit with her sisters!
Say it isn’t so!
The bottom line is… and no one can give me a good reason why I should believe differently… that these girls were doing great in life. They were all sugar and spice and everything nice… and then came me!
So how do I deal with that? How do I make it so that I take the control back and have an inkling of a clue on how to deal with them… instead of a tear of frustration because I can not get them to do the simplest task? Where are the resources that work? The ones that point me in a direction, work for more than a day, and get real results? Because I have racked up my Swagbucks trying to find them and so far, they are remiss.
I guess I will just keep trying. What else can I do?
And I will pray… a lot… that despite the damage that has already been done, I can manage to still raise self – respecting, honest, kind girls. Anything else might just break my heart!
Hugs!! I can totally relate. I have a 26 and 7 month old. My son (the oldest) is as others describe him ‘Something Else’. He has a strong personality filled with constant ‘No’s’, screaming, tantrums, biting, stomping but also hugs, kisses, and naps:) My youngest is starting to copy (yes she is throwing her back out already). I know that most of the bad behavior is because they are spoiled and sometimes bored. I notice that if I keep the oldest busy he behaves (until it is time to stop). I think that it will get better as they get older.
I do think boredom feeds a lot of it. But with 3 4 and under I find it very hard to go places! Plus we live on an acre… you’d think they would find that fun! LOL
Oh boy, I’ve been there with my daugther. When she was younger she went through spurts of some of the things you described and still at her age 21 she tends to throw tantrums. You write beautifully:)
My Meddling Mind
Aww- thank you Madison – well except for the I have 20 more years of this – ROFL!! Hopefully they will turn out ok…
Newest follower from the Fab Friends Thursday Blog Hop.
Please stop by my blog and return the follow.
Thanks! :)
I got you back Jade, thank you!
I read your post and I feel for you but I’ve also come to give you some hope.
My children are now 30 and 28 so I’m hoping I can offer some.
First of all quit blaming yourself. Your doing a fine job and if your were not then guess what you wouldn’t care. Every kid at every age is going to be going through something. I’m sure your correcting the behavior you don’t like and that is the best you can do right now.
I’d add some family time event either every night or once a week. Try and think of things where they have to work as a team instead of competing to win over the others. I’m sure your going to be looking at your angels when their grown and so impressed with the way they turned out.
As a mother you can only do the best you can and don’t spend the moments in guilt. Everything is going to be okay.
Have a Twisted Thursday and I’m glad I stumbled over her and found your blog.
Thank you so much for coming by and giving me advice! I take it happily!! I try not to beat myself up but some days the common sense of “they are just kids” gets lost in the “why can’t I make them do…”. I think when you don’t really know what you are doing it is easy to take it on the shoulders!
Thank you for your support! I am headed to your blog too! ;)
I’m a new follower from fab friends blog hop thursday. I hope you follow me back. Thanks!:)
Be strong, don’t waver or go back on your word/follow through, even when it’s really hard. Don’t make outrageous threats that you can’t actually do- “you are grounded until you are 23!”
That’s my thought, it helps me. But none of us are perfect, and I have my moments, believe it! :)
Stumbled this post from http://havesippywilltravel.blogspot.com/
Hope to see you on our next Twisted Thursday! :)
Thanks for the visit!
WAIT!! Grounding them until they are 23 is not a valid threat??!!?? LOL
I do try to stick to my guns but I think I get lost in the three of them all being nuts at once! I sincerely appreciate your coming by! headed over to see you!!
Again I am not a mom so my advice may mean little, and its not really advice anyway. Give yourself a break! If you were really doing something wrong you would not be worried about it! I know lots of children under the age of 4 and the behavior you describe is common! I think it seems so much worse to you because you are with them 85% of the time, they are yours and you feel responsible for their actions and really great moms tend to be really hard on themselves! Also you have three little girls that are so close in age! My mom (though not a stellar example of all things super mom) didn’t worry about us fighting she locked us out of the house from 8am-dinner time! Times have changed! We were monsters she just didn’t blame herself like today’s moms do. Just try not to be so hard on yourself, I am positive you are a great mom!
Thank you Rachel!! I love you and I love that you read me and, to be honest, your advice is much more sound than you know! Is it still legal to lock your kids out for 12 hours straight?!?! LOL
You rock!