**Post by Beth**
This was not a compensated post. It was simply for teaching my children and sharing their experiences.
My first science project was called “Watching Roots Grow.” My mother had a very green thumb and could grow anything; she taught me how easy it is to start flowers. We never used a kit back in the day, but these kits make it so simple to teach my kiddos how fun it is to start flowers. We bought our kit at the discount store, as well as some seeds to plant, so the whole project was only $7 and some change. This project is not a lesson about saving money, it is an investment in their future and perhaps giving them more knowledge to start changing the world; one little plant at a time!
Directions from my Tots:
You will need one flower kit, moist soil, water and some flower seeds.
First open your kit and read the directions.
Remove your crates from the plastic container. Mom says that will keep the soil from getting all over the house. Fill your crates with soil, then poke holes in the middle of each square. Put a couple seeds in each soil square.
After you get all of your seeds into the soil squares, lightly cover them with soil. You might need to add some more soil over the top. Give them just a little bit of water. It is still chilly in Ohio, so we put the box on a shelf in front of a window in the house. Mom says the sun will warm the box creating condensation for the seeds. I got a whole lesson in the need for sunshine; mom says that we need sunshine to grow because plants need sunshine and we need plants. I was a little confused about photosis (mom adds, photosynthesis) but she says I will learn all about it one day!
My Tots cannot wait to see the sprouts and they are checking the grow box daily. It is always very exciting to create a living thing from just a tiny seed and I hope that my kiddos share in that feeling!
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