“What does Katie want for Christmas?”; “How about Sarah?” ; “And Megan?”; “And you and Tony?”
The answer to all of these questions vary, of course, but I find myself telling people the same things over and over again. Partially because I am on auto answer and partially because I just can not remember every single thing that my kids and husband have said they want while being asked. Usually because something else is going on or someone is crying or I am just that tired!
Well now there is a FREE parent controlled, fun and magical website where kids can make their list for Santa. And the best part? You can SHARE it!
SantasHideout.com is so incredibly easy to sign up for and use! It takes two steps to get started. Just enter your name and email and such and then the pertinent information for whichever kids you want to help make a list!
After you enter the child’s name, you can add how many things you want on the list and the price limit for each item! When you hit “Create List”, a page comes up that you can type the item in. And – this is my favorite part – the term is auto – searched on Amazon.com! So, for instance, on Katie’s, I typed Crayola and up popped Amazon’s entire selection of Crayola items!
I clicked a few that I knew she would love and it loaded it to her list! Now, once I get a hang of this and can wrangle the children one by one, they will choose from the toys they want on their list. But I am having so much fun playing on the site myself!
Once my daughter’s lists are done, I can share them with family and friends which a) gives them options and b) keeps me from answering the “what do they want” question. You can even share it on Facebook and Twitter and Email if you want! When they are ready to buy, they just click the product on the list and it takes them to item on Amazon! How cool is that?
In addition to the lists that you create, you can also have Santa send an email to your kids from Santa’s Desk! There are recipes, tips and tricks for holiday gift giving and so much more, too!
This is a great site for kids! This is a great site for adults! Think electronic Letters to Santa minus the need to remember everything your kids asked for! And your husband too, if you so choose!
Take a moment and check out SantasHideout.com! Follow Santa’s Hideout on Twitter! Like Santa’s Hideout on Facebook!
**This a sponsored post. All writings and opinions are my own. Please see my Disclaimer Page for more information. Santa’sHideout.com is a product of Conde Nest. **
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