So my blog is small compared to the vast land of extremely talented Mommy Bloggers.  But I made a decision a while ago that if I made it to a year and still has some actual readers, I would attack it as if it were my own little mini business.

So unless you guys are all planning a mass departure in the next two weeks, my 1 year Blogoversary is, indeed, on the horizon.

May 31st for those wanting to send diamonds!

So, to get my name out there, I have decided that it is time to hit the pavement and start marketing myself all over town!

A few ideas have been circulating.  I have a car sign from and I have bumper stickers from them too.   And I ordered business cards a long time ago from  But I was thinking of some things that were easier to hand out.

Like maybe some great custom notepads, or a few promotional mugs for really big companies I want to impress.  I could even see some promo pens being a hit with managers at stores.

I don’t know.  I am toying around with a lot of ideas.

Does anyone promote like this?  By having promotional items available to hand out?  Do you think it helps you get your name out there?

Thanks for humoring me as I tiptoe like a bull in a china cabinet through the right and wrong ways to do this!  I am excited to hear my fellow bloggers ideas!


**Thank you to for allowing me to use some links.  All opinions and writings are 100% mine and can not be duplicated without prior permission.**