It is a new year. A chance to start over, make a difference, change a life. A time to reflect on the last year and dream of the next year. A fresh start, take care of me, handle my life like I should, have a purpose, time of year.
I love the New Year. I feel like it resets me and challenges me to right the wrongs of the last year. Like all of the excuses of the past are erased. I am holding a blank slate and a charcoal drawing pencil. What I do with it is my choice, my decision, my prediction of the year to come.
This year I have an internal goal, and external goal, and a spiritual goal. Internally, I want to be a Hero to my daughters. I wrote about this mid December and truly believe that I can be a better mother by being a better person. A more driven and intelligent person for them to emulate. My external goal, as you know, is to get this baby weight off. And I am working on it… hard! My spiritual goal is to reconnect with my God that I lost a little last year. Between a bout with depression, financial fears, and frustrations in parenting, I lost the hold I had. Time to get it back.
I wish all of you a healthy, happy, full of love, challenges that change you for the better, and respectful New Year! Thank you for making my last so successful!
Advice Needed!
OK. A while back I posted about Katie and a behavior issue that is driving me crazy! She constantly says “Shut Up”. She knows it is wrong and she purposefully does it. I have noticed that she does it more when she is tired, when she is hungry, and when she is feeling neglected.
I’ve tried everything. Time out, going to her room, and yes… even a pop on the behind. I’ve talked and talked and talked to her about it, but the moment I bring it up in a calm way, she bursts into tears. I hate it. I feel like I am raising a teenager and I have no clue how to do that yet.
So, I am reaching out. I am asking for my readers help. Please give me your best advice on how to handle a belligerent 4 year old! The “shut up” wars are just one of the behavior issues I am having with her.
Thank you!
Some New Changes
You may have noticed some changes on my blog lately! I have been blessed to have been accepted in some advertising programs and, as a result, have added a brand new page: Coupons and Deals.
This is my way of being compensated just a little for what I do here on my blog site. I try really hard to pick deals I think you will like and I display them on the Coupons and Deals page and my left sidebar. When you click on these deals, and either accept it, or fill out a brief survey to take advantage of it, I get paid a little. Usually pennies so I am not getting rich here. But, it is something.
So, I ask of you, my readers. Please take a moment every once in a while to scan the deals here and see if any interest you. And if you are going to go to a retailer online to purchase something, consider coming here to see if I have a link for it available.
I sincerely appreciate your support!
If you would like information on the networks I have joined, please send me an email to lomargie{at}gmail{dot}com.
Re: Shut Up. Where did she learn this? Is this something you guys say in the house or is she picking it up from friends, school, daycare?
I would try to talk to her about it when she DIDN'T say shut up. If is only using it when she is cranky its probably not a good time to explain to her how its wrong and disrespectful.
When she is in a good mood just pull her aside and tell her she isn't in trouble that you just want to talk to her about some words she is using and maybe help her find alternative ways to express her feelings…and maybe alternative words as well.
I worked in a daycare for a couple of years and that is how we would handle those types of problems. You point out the behavior the second they do it but you try to reason with them when they aren't in a mood.