We all need friends. Some of us need a large group of friends, while others need a small close-knit group. No matter your friendship needs, the truth is we all need someone to share our life with.
I’ve moved a lot in my life. I always felt like finding friends was the hardest part of it. On retroflect, though, I’ve always been able to make friends easily enough. What’s truly been hard is staying in touch after we move. Perhaps what I struggle with, is being the right kind of friend back to my friends. A friend who will drive back and forth from a car out of gas.
The best kinds of friends are those who hold your same ideas. They are the easiest to get along with, because you have much in common to talk about. However, we will all be slightly different. I love how Lori put it in I don’t Agree with Your Parenting Style, But I am Your friend Anyway. See you may enjoy the same political views or the same exercise routine, but one of us may raise our kids without electronics while the other loves to teach their kids responsible electronic use.
Making Friends
So perhaps the hardest part of friendship is actually finding friends. Most of my friends come from going to church weekly. However, this list of 30 Almost Painless Ways to Meet People from Live Bold and Bloom has some great ideas. I’m going to put a couple in place as I try to expand my circle of friends this year.
I love the advice Sylvia Marcia wrote in her article Maintaining Friendships While Struggling with Anxiety and Depression. As I continue to reflect on my friendships, I realize that the mental aspect has a lot to do with it. We have to be selfless and open with our feelings. Good friends will welcome the honesty.
Keeping Friends
Once we have a few friends, the next question is how do we maintain them? It’s one thing to make friends, it’s a whole new ball game when it comes to hanging on to those friends. Molly on the Move has some good practical advice for Keeping Friendships Strong. Even if you or your bestie moves, these tips will keep that friendship going.
Of course, gifts are a great way to tell our besties just how much we care. Here are a few ideas you can use today.
Make a Friendship Basket just because.
Learn how to make and share Amish Friendship Bread with The Happier Homemaker
Relish your friendship with this recipe and printable from Unexpected Elegance
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