Sometimes games are just FUN! And sometimes hidden in the fun are lessons kids need to learn and adults need help teaching. Lids ‘n Lizards Magnetic Photo Vocabulary Game is just fun. Educational fun… but fun more than anything.
With summer fast approaching, I need all the help I can get in coming up with things to do with my kids. Besides watching television, of course. And there really are only so many crafts that my little brain can come up with that do not require me to sit right next to them and help them with.
Let’s face it. All of us moms have a certain idea of how Summer will go once we know it is approaching. We’ll go on bike rides, go to the poll, endlessly lounge and read with the kids. But then, day 2 of Summer hits and we are all standing in the living room wondering what in the heck to do with our kids that day!
Well, before you reach for the remote, check out Super Duper Publications and the amazing, non electronic, attention grabbing games that they have to offer!
We were lucky enough to receive 4 of the games but since each is so awesome, I had to break it up into three posts. See my review of the MagneTalk Early Classifying Magnetic Game and the dual review of Topic Talk Conversation Cards and All About You, All About Me Fun Deck, too.
But back to the game that had my kids loving lizards and squealing with excitement – AND PLAYING NICELY TOGETHER WITHOUT MOM – Lids ‘n Lizards Magnetic Photo Vocabulary Game is just F U N!
Check out my kids excitement below:
The concept is simple. The metal Lids hold the magnetic photos. Each photo is a category. Things for the house, transportation, clothing, etc. Under a certain number of lids are Lizards. If the kids pick a lid without a lizard, they simply tell you where the item goes and move on. But if they pick one with a lizard under it, they get to keep the lizard if they categorize the item correctly! Whomever ends up with the most lizards wins!
As you can see in the video, the lizard hunting is the best part!
As a mom with young kids that need entertainment that is also educational that does not require a screen, I LOVE this line of magnetic games! They are smart, durable, interesting, and my kids love them! Pick them all up and have an instant, go to game, that will thrill your kids all summer long!
And to help you along, (1) of my readers will win the magnetic game of their choice of the four! Open to the US and CANADA!
All About You, All About Me Fun Deck
TopicTalk(tm) Conversation Card Game
Lids ‘n Lizards(r) Magnetic Photo Vocabulary Game
Enter below and GOOD LUCK! Giveaway Ends 6/5/2013
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**I received these games for review purposes only. All opinions and writings are my own. Please see my Disclosure Statement for more information.**
I like Auditory Memory for Dinosaurs & More Fun Deck®
As a teacher, I fell in love with all the products! i want them in my classroom and at home!
I like the Move Your Body Fun Deck! Super cool!
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20% off right now
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I like the Ring Bling Following Directions game.
I like all the apps.
Grammar Gumballs® Board Game looks cool :)
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200 More Sight Words Super Fun Deck
I like the blank magnetic fish!
My son would love the grammar gumballs board game!
I love that a lot of their products are evidence based.
I also like the Go for the dough boardgame :)
chipper chat games
I also love the #CRD42Core Curriculum Vocabulary Cards – Level PreK-K. Thanks for the chance at this fabulous giveaway.
I also like the 168 Seasonal & Holiday Open-Ended Artic Worksheets
I love that it has Handy Handouts,free stuff is always a good thing. I have 2 neices ages 5 and 9 who would have so much fun with a game like this. Your girls made me want to play this game.Lol! Thank you :)
I love the illustrations on the products.
I love how they offer free stuff and the possibility to win $50
I like the fun deck cards.
Understanding Sentences Fun Deck
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I like the Grammar Gumballs Game
i like the Sentence Fill-in Fun Deck
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I love that you can make a wish list, that would be a great way for teacher to let parents know what they would like to have for their classrooms. I love all the games, they look like they make learning so much fun!
I like the Flamingo Bingo® and Lotto! . Thank you