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Are your children learning how to write their letters? My daughter is crazy about having her own “homework” when big brother comes home from school. These letter tracing pages provided by Nick Jr. are fun and educational! Check them out and see if your kiddos enjoy learning how to write their alphabet!
In our home, we never miss an opportunity to print these letter pages that are easily available for parents! My daughter enjoys the characters on each page and builds self-confidence while she learns to write each letter. Printing these pages for my daughter makes me feel like I am doing something right when I see her learn how to write small words, with only me telling her how to spell them.
Check out all that Nick Jr. has to offer for your children and start them on a brand new learning adventure!
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How do I find the other letters? I can’t seem to find them on nickjr.com and the only thing that comes up on a google search is your page. Thanks!