I just told my children, in a stern, pre-coffee, exhausted tone that I am in no way, shape, or form in the mood to deal with tantrums today.  I can only hope they understand this.

I am in the mood to play with calm, happy, children.  I am in the mood to fold laundry – if only to get it off my couch.  I am in the mood to mop the floors, dust the furniture, spit shine the leather.

I am in the mood to clean out closets, cook elaborate, time consuming meals that no one will eat, and rearrange kids room for the 80th time this month.

I am in the mood to be at their beckoned call, wipe runny noses, retrieve the blue cup for their water, and cut their grilled cheese sandwiches into gingerbread men.

But I am not, under any circumstances, at any time, no matter what, in no way, shape, or form in the mood for tantrums today!

Got that kiddos?  Loves of my life?  Wonderful offspring?


Now – if only they could read!