Heading out the door today, I grabbed a bag of Halls Intense Cool and ventured into the freezing Ohio snowy weather. My allergies are playing games with Mother Nature and I am at the faltering end of that match-up. It seems that I have had a stuffy nose and scratchy throat for more days than I care to admit, this Autumn. Getting my car situated to head out, you know… car heater on, seat heater on, Christmas music and my handy tissues. I opened the bag of Halls Intense Cool and popped one in mouth and started down the driveway. “Wow!” This is what I said out loud and to myself as I stopped before heading onto my road. I scooped up the bag and confirmed the text: FAST RELIEF within 10 Seconds!!! Halls Intense Cool, a wonderfully clean, refreshing new flavor adds intense clarity to nasal passages as it soothes your throat!
The end of my road is approximately 1.5 miles from my house, and by the time I made it to the stop sign I noticed an amazingly refreshing difference in my ability to breath! Each nasal breath in was like an overwhelming sensation of cool and clear. For the first time in days, perhaps weeks, each breath was excitingly distinguished; making me realize how great it feels to just breath so cleanly.
Halls is a brand that I have trusted all of my life. It has been a tried and true product that I feel completely comfortable buying, knowing that they care about the quality of their cough drops. The array of flavors make it an easy choice for families to choose what makes them feel better. The Halls Intense Cool has intense flavor and actions that I noticed right away; and I am happy to share my thoughts with you, family and friends!
Halls cares about families; and I am so impressed with Halls Intense Cool that I decided to make sure everyone received the kind of stocking stuffer that can be enjoyed!! My tree is filled with Halls Intense Cool for everyone in my family and some close friends! Looking for the perfect stocking stuffer that says “I care for you” is made simple with Halls top-notch products! The Intense Cool cough drops will be staying around my home all through the allergy seasons!
Stay Connected to Halls Intense Cool
We love our Halls here, but have not tried the New Halls, will give them a try.
Let us know what you think!