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#GameNightIn #CollectiveBias
I am the first to admit that I love taking my girls out, catching a movie and enjoying a non-cooking night. But let’s face it, doing that once a week or twice a week gets pretty pricey pretty quickly. Even if we choose a restaurant that is a little cheaper, it still averages out to $10 per person after the tip. Add to that the high prices of movie tickets, game tokens at a game place, bowling shoes at the alley and you can really rack up a serious bill on a night out of the house. Since the beginning of the year, and tax time, always stresses my budget, I wanted to see how I could have the same fun at home for way less money. Guess what I discovered? By staying home, pulling out my Hasbro® Games and having snacks on hand, like multiple varieties of M&M’s® Milk Chocolate, I found that I saved about $95 over going out with the kids! Check out my FREE PRINTABLE below that will help you keep track of your savings by having a Game Night In too!
Let’s talk about what you need to have on hand for a successful and fun game night first! Hasbro® Games like Jenga, Twister and The Game of Life are on my shelf. But, let’s be honest, after kids get a hold of them, pieces go missing and they need to be replaced. At Walmart, you can get all of the Hasbro® games you need at great prices for fun game nights every week! On your comparison sheet, even if you add the purchase of a few Hasbro® games, you are still saving HUGE over going out!
In addition to the Hasbro® games, you need snacks! Now, on a game night, I feed my family the same meals I would any other time. My Gruyere Cheese Bacon and Sausage Mac and Cheese Recipe is the hit of the month here. The ingredients are totally affordable and the meal makes enough for a few dinners too! But come on… no game night is complete without some sweets! So while at Walmart updating my Hasbro® game closet, I picked up M&M’s® Peanut Butter, M&M’s® Milk Chocolate and M&M’s® Peanut. After all, variety makes everything more fun!
Now I know that staying in always saves me money. But I wanted to see how much money. So I made and laminated a Comparison Chart that I can use over and over again to show me how much I actually do save staying in. Get this FREE PRINTABLE now! I made it on PicMonkey and printed it at home but you can use Photoshop and any other program to create your own!
Using my laminating machine that I had already picked up at Walmart for less than $20, I created a printable that I can write on time and time again with wipe off markers. I like this visual a lot as it shows me how much I actually save. $95 a week in savings really adds up in a hurry! Plus, truth be told, I think I have more fun at home with my kids at a game night in than I do going out all the time!
The whole point of planning time together is to spend that time together. By staying in, I not only got to play some awesome, classic Hasbro® games with my kids and enjoy snacks we all love, but I got to bond even more with my kids and make a memory that did not drain the checkbook!
How much do you think you will save by staying home versus going out?
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