I can not stand my house. It is Gross. Gross with a capital unbelievable disgusting, can not believe we live this way, what the heck is wrong with us, Gross!
But I clean all… day…. long!
So – HOW?! HOW does a house that is constantly picked up, swept, vacuumed, wiped down, spit shined, daily get to be such an incredibly wreck?
I have many theories.
1) I was a career gal before kids. I have no concept of how to clean up after 4 other people and 2 (sniff) dogs. I do not seem to have the talent to prioritize, colonize, and deodorize.
2) I am tired of doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over again with the same result. That it be undone. And undone to a higher level than it was done before! It is as if they wait for it to be clean and then run in after me with a timer to see if they can undue what took me and hour to do in 30 seconds. They usually succeed!
3) I just simply don’t care enough. Yes, I desperately want a clean house. And yes, I used to have one. To a fault, actually. But the reality is that I don’t anymore. And it will probably be a few more years until I can properly train my children to clean up after them selves, so I am probably holding my breath for nothing. Except to see how long I can. So maybe, really, I just don’t care and think dried applesauce on the floor is a great new look.
4) What is the point. I mean, really? What is the point? No one else comes here – at least not without calling first. No one else sees the ducking fisaster we currently live in. So why am I working so hard? For my husband, so that he does not think I do nothing all day? For myself, because I feel like a failure when my house is trashed? Or for my kids? Who deserve to live in some sort of order so they do not grow up to be slobs?
5) I am, and this is possibly the truth, a little too ADD and ADHD and ADLD (attention deficit lazy disorder) to manage an entire household of little people and tails and paws. In reality, in order to keep it up, I would have to do nothing else all day long. No playing, no blogging (kill me now), no twitter, no FB, no nada. And I am just not ready to give up my sanity vices just yet.
So I guess I will continue the uphill struggle to maintain at least some order in the sty that even pigs would site for ickyness, and pray that one day, I will put my head on my pillow and relish in the fact that I figured out how to keep the house out of the ducking fisaster category.
Or I hire a maid!
Hi Lori I completely sympathise! In fact as part of a mum's art project we're currently collecting photos of mum's homes in a state of chaos – so we can all trawl thru them on the ducking fisaster days and feel better. Would you be up for sharing a picture (anonymously if you prefer??). Or you could just take a look at the other pics we're starting to collect and give yourself a break. http://Www.Storyofmum.com – it's not a public site yet so click on the link in the Packapocket paragraph to create an account that will let you check out the site. Hope it cheers you up and shows you you're not alone! And if you know any other cleaning-challenged mums, pass on the link. Right, back to wade through the pile of dishes and toys…
I vote for the maid! I want one ( or six, too!
sounds like my house. lol except no pets.
I so empathize with you!
When I had 3 little boys (2 with bad asthma & 1 with autism)- my house was never ever ever clean. at. all.
we lived out of rumpled laundry baskets and only washed a dish when we needed a clean one… I had to chose "clean house" or
"[almost]healthy, cared for kids"
I figured when they were older I'd have time to clean all day when they were in school… then we decided to homeschool…..
BTW I have a new CSI Blog up! thought you'd be interested.
LOL – love it. That hits a lot of points on my reasons why my house isn't clean either. :)
I'm your newest follower! I could have written this post myself! That is exactly how I am and how I feel!
WOW! You mean I am NOT alone? Funny, when I goto friends houses, they are clean! LOL
BTW- I felt so awful that I cleaned the house, mopping and all, with Katie's help! She did great! LOL
No worries though, tomorrow it will be a ducking fisaster again!
Yay! I'm follower #700!! I came from the Smart & Trendy Parade and am a new follower. I am so totally in the same boat. I was nodding my head all the way through this whole post!! I'd love for you to consider following back. Thanks!
Love this post! I hate cleaning! We used to pay someone to clean our house and I'd be so embarrassed to have her see how it really was that I would clean BEFORE she would get there! No more! Now I just give in to the dust bunnies. I've even started naming them.
Wow…I feel bad for you. I think I had my son trained as soon as he came out of the womb. I think I may be a different kind of parent though in my house I am the only boss and there are no choices when it comes to helping mommy do certain things around the house. My son helps load the washer and empty the dryer. I also bought a dust buster and told him it was a toy so he goes around vaccuming everything. I think the trick of it all is to make it a game little kids usually don't know any better. My son is three but he has been helping since he could walk. Train them early because if you wait to late it may be a real power struggle. Well just hopping by from the blog hop I am your newest follower. I can be found at The Mommy Chronicles
I hear ya! And I don't even have pets. I almost flipped out this morning because of the same stuff. I'm already a follower, but read your "featured" post at "Simply Stacie" and am getting caught up with your posts. :)
Oh you are too funny!!! I bet your floor is cleaner than mine on a daily basis just because you have dogs! LOL
I used to feel like you on the training of my children…and although while I was working I paid someone else to keep my house clean (not glamorous at all it was just my ex-step daughter who was 19 and living with me rent free-she wasn't very good at it but it was better than me trying to do it while working full time) I really thought that chores and picking up after themselves was a valid goal and expectation. Well now I am a stay at home of 5 (up from the 3 when I was working) and my kids can't pick up after themselves to save their lives! They leave trails…and don't even get me started on the kitchen messes.
When my house is its cleanest is before visitors…my kids think I am crazy because I won't allow anyone inside without proper notice (which equals the flight of the bumblebee cleaning).