My girls still use Comforts for Baby Training Pants at night. But they are long past the baby item phase. However, when they were babies, I did use the Comforts for BabyInfant Formula at Kroger at times to help supplements my breast milk. Between the formula, the wipes, the soaps and shampoos, plates, cups and so much more, Comforts for Baby has infancy covered. And if you are on a budget, getting quality products for less is a bonus.
Comforts for Baby Infant Formula provide complete nutrition for your baby that is equivalent to the large name brands. But it is at a fraction of the cost. And though Comforts for Baby knows that Breastfeeding is best for your baby, it comes with it’s own set of challenges that may cause formula to be a necessary item in your home. So they are proud to be able to provide a nutritional, quality products on shelves.
DON’T FORGET: Get your Comforts coupons too!
Because Comforts for Baby wants every mom to try their high quality products, (1) of my readers will WIN a Comforts for Baby Gift Pack! Just enter below using the Rafflecopter form below:
**I received no compensation for running this giveaway. Please see my Disclosure Statement for more information. Like A Day in Motherhood on Facebook and Subscribe to A Day in Motherhood **
my little one is a week old, we use formula only
Our baby is 9 weeks old and we tried breastfeeding but she sucks harder on the bottle :(
My children are older but this would be for a friend who is having her first baby veryvery soon :)
would lobve to win
my baby is two now but we are trying to potty train and still use diapers at night. we never used formula, exclusively breastfed.
My baby is 2 weeks old and I never breastfed. She is strictly formula fed.
My daughter is two but we have another baby girl due in a little less than a month and with are first daughter my girlfriend breastfed once and after that it was strictly formula!
I am actually currently pregnant and due in November. I do not know if I will exclusively use formula or supplement. It all depends on how my baby acts :)
My baby is 3 months old and we supplement
I am actually doing this for my 3rd grandbaby on the way and due in March, 2013. Not sure of the sex yet. I believe this one, they’re planning on using formula instead of breastfeeding again.
I’m due in a few days! We will supplement with formula probably.
formula 6 mth
formula only
4 months
formula fed baby here!
I’m due in March. I’m planning on supplementing with formula
My husband and I are becoming foster parents, we will have children ages 6 weeks to 2 years. We will be using formula!
My son is 3 months old and i was breastfeeding but didnt have much luck and now my son refuses to nurse :( Its been hard giving up the nursing because I love the bonding time..
my grandson is 8 months old, and he has always had formula
My baby is 3 so this would be for my baby niece due in December!
Mine are grown but I’d love to win this and donate!!
I have a baby on the way I would love this!
hes two months. supplement
My children are older and this would be for our first grandchild. Thank you for the chance!
Expecting number 4 in January – what a welcoming gift! It is expected to use exclusively formula.
My 13month old was exclusively breastfeed and know drinks soy toddler formula
my daughter is 10 months and I only use formula.
My baby is 16 months and we formula fed him and I have a baby due in April and I am planning on formula feeding and trying breasfeeding for the first time.
7 month old is exclusively breastfed. Would love this for a friend!