This shop with my 5 Food & Health Substitutions has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ProgressIsPerfection #CBias #CollectiveBias

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories

At the ripe old age of 45 it is finally starting to sink in that what I put into my body and what I do to my body matters. Little changes can make a big difference and small victories make it all worthwhile! For those of us who live super busy lifestyles, any change can be challenging. But we all know that we can do better. I love to eat. It is just who I am. It is hard for me to pass up delicious looking desserts and a chance to binge watch Gilmore Girls during any possible free time. Because I know myself so well I also know that change comes gradually for me. So starting small and making these 5 Food & Health Substitutions has really helped me stay on track when it comes to taking care of me!

An Easy Food Switch You Will Love

If I am cooking it has flavor. I am actually a really good cook and miss having the time to make several course meals that always impress. As a single mom to three it is just not possible anymore. Now I make easy recipes, like the No-Bake Maple Cookies I show you below. Because I go for easy and fast I have to watch the ingredients I use. At my age heavy creams and yogurts do nothing to improve my health.

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories with Silk

One of the best changes I made years ago was to switch my milk to a non-dairy alternative. An old coach at the CrossFit gym I was in at the time introduced me to the idea. It took me a few tries but I discovered Silk Unsweetened Almondmilk and never looked back. I use it for everything from cooking to drinking to adding it to recipes in place of milk. It has always added the flavor and texture I love without the dairy. Health is hard, but feeling healthier doesn’t have to be. Silk’s Progress is Perfection campaign fights the notion that “extreme” is the only path to being healthier, small victories are still victories.  I find all of my Silk products that I need at Walmart or I order online and Pick up at Walmart!

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories and save

Since discovering how easy it was to switch, I started making other little changes too. Like eating Silk Vanilla Almond Dairy – Free Yogurt Alternative Yogurt, along with other flavors, and using almond butter in place of butter as well. Since I already work out quite a bit at CrossFit, making dietary changes that benefit me is just smart.

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories at Walmart

Making this small switch to have less dairy and more plants is a small ways to transition to plant based instead of dairy. Plus, Silk is just delicious and smooth and makes every recipe that much better!

Find a Workout That Works

It took me years to admit to myself that I needed to work out on a daily basis. I did not wait too long to find CrossFit but I sure wish I had found it sooner. My sport of choice used to me tennis but finding a partner, a facility and the time to be in a league as a single mom is just hard. So after a few years of little activity I stumbled into a CrossFit box and got hooked. It is not the end all to end all as far as health. I have to make smarter choices in my diet as well. But finding a workout that works has improved every single aspect of my life! Sub out excuses and the ‘I can’t do it’ for a workout you love. I promise, if I can do it, YOU can do it!

Walk Daily

Even if you fins a workout and give your all to it, I am learning that a good walk a day will help improve your mental and physical health as well. Sub out one of your 30 minutes TV shows for a walk! Take your dog and fine a walk track on your phone! A good brisk walk is just as good as a long hard run when it comes to burning fat. But the biggest benefit I get from it is the mental health of being outside and active!

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories with the dog

Put Down the Phone

If I had a dime for every time I picked up my phone during the day we all could retire! I make my kids put theirs down and then am on mine working all night long. Lately we have started to implement ‘phone free’ activities. Going to the park. Going on walks. Movie night. Anything that can get all of us off of our devices is a great thing! I find that after 2-3 hours off of my phone I start to feel the stress melt away. I like that feeling and am looking forward to more device free activities with my kids!

Make Easy Recipes

As I touched on above, complicated, delicious recipes are my love. But the reality of time makes them impossible for me to make much anymore. So simple, fun recipes with quality ingredients save me. If I don’t have to ‘cook’ them, it is even better! The easy No-Bake Maple Cookies are the perfect go-to for a quick snack and to crumble into some Silk Vanilla Almond Dairy – Free Yogurt Alternative Yogurt!

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories with Silk foods

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories and boil

Check out how easy it is below:

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
These No-Bake Maple cookies are easy and dairy free!
Recipe type: dessert
Cuisine: No-Bake Maple Cookies
  • ¼ cup unsalted butter
  • ½ cup pure maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp Silk Almondmilk
  • ½ ts. vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup quality almond butter
  • ¾ cup uncooked oats
  1. Combine butter, maple syrup, and Almondmilk in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Once at a full rolling boil, set timer and boil for a full 3 minutes, stirring constantly.
  2. Remove from heat and let cool for 2 minutes. Stir in vanilla extract, salt, almond butter and oats.
  3. Drop by spoonfuls onto wax paper and allow cookies to cool.
  4. Modified from:

These non-dairy cookies will please anyone and will satisfy that sweet tooth that arrives when you least expect it too!

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories with cookies

Making changes in our diets and lifestyles is very hard. With small changes, though, come huge rewards! Switch our your dairy for Silk and watch as this one little change helps you make others!

5 Food & Health Substitutions That Can Help You Earn Those Small Victories at Walmart


What small change have you made lately?