Just launched at the beginning of April 2013, Vet IQ is new and offers awesome pet care product information so that pet lovers, like me, can buy the best products for our pets!
Education and information on everything from pet prescription medications, treats and supplements and flea and tick control can be found along with a Petcare Tracker that lets you keep up with your pets health record and more!
You guys know I have a little dog, Bud. Surely you remember how fiercely he protected me and my girls when We Had An Intruder. Yes, my dog is part of the family and I will do anything to make him as happy and healthy as I can as he lives out the rest of his life.
One of the easiest and best things I can do for him is to protect him from the fleas and ticks that run around in our yard. And by protecting him, I can ensure that there won’t be fleas in my house and that my kids will be safe for them too!
What I really like about Vet IQ is that they are not a ‘sale’ site. They are an informational site providing the best pet care education to pet owners everywhere! And their commitment is marketing the best products that they can for our pets! And they make sure that they are aware of all of the impacts that manufacturing their products can have.
VetIQ is committed to the highest standards of product quality and safety at our manufacturing sites. We cooperate with technical and regulatory authorities in every stage of the production process and require strict adherence to health, safety, quality control, environmental protection, and regulatory compliance procedures.
I was lucky enough to receive a 3 month supply of their VetGuard Flea and Tick Control for dogs to use on my little Bud. I have tried so many products and though some work, so many others don’t. So I tested it for a long time for you guys and actually gave him his second month dose just a few days ago.
Despite the mix of cool and warm weather, I have not seen one flea on him at all. And by now in Texas, they would be biting! So I am confident saying that this product really works. You can buy it at Walmart and other retailers nationwide! I am going to have to replenish in a month!
Check out Vet IQ and see what they can offer you in helping you care for your cat or dog. As the site grows, the information will too!
**I received the product discussed for informational purposes only. All opinions and writings are my own. Please see my Disclosure Statement for more information.**
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